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Wed, 01/24/2007 - 16:02
My 18 year old daughter was put on an experimental trial of natural progesterone because her seizures frequently followed her menstral cycle. She has intractable generalized E and has grand mals frequently. She is also on topamax, dilantin and mysoline. We went through almost a month without a seizure, 26 days to be exact--longest time in a year! I really thought we had the right combination of meds and stuff, but she suffered one today. It is so discouraging for her and myself. We both were breathing a little easier thinking that we had finally had an answer. Meds have not helped her for any length of time since she started when she was 13. Enough is enough! Thanks for letting me vent. Lisa


Re: Discouraged

Submitted by Chronicdiving on Tue, 2011-11-01 - 15:00
Hello Lisa, My name's Raymond, and I've had epilepsy all my life. You seem that you're barking up the wrong tree possibly...My mother tried me on all sorts of medicines when I was little but realized that was not where she should be looking. Ever since we've been homeopathic, and a few other diets and I'm leading a completely normal life and am really lookin' good these days...I'd love to give you some names of doctors or just sites to visit(especially please emaail me if you have the chance at...there's so much out there that if you give it a chance, will work wonders for you and your daughter :-D !!! Hope to hear from you and good luck with all!

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