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What will happen now?

Thu, 11/23/2006 - 00:26
Well the VEEG results are in and .... nothing-ness! So in all of your experience, what may I expect? My first quick EEG came back with peaks in left temporal lobe (although we also did the falshing lights and all of that) and this 6 hour VEEG has come back blank. After 7 years I honeslty thought this was finally my chance to get fixed. What will happen to me? Will I just be told its panic attacks again? I have never been so divisated in my entire life.


Re: What will happen now?

Submitted by fzMousie on Thu, 2006-11-23 - 09:52
(((ENORMOUSE HUGS!!!))) Aw Bedge. I can't even imagine how you must feel. I know how I'd feel. It is so horrible when you KNOW something is wrong and no one can take it seriously. My family doc tried to tell me after my EEG that I was fine. I looked him in the eye and declared that I was NOT fine. If I was FINE, why did I blank out at the movie theatre? Why was I forgetting everything? Why did I feel so miserable? If I was FINE, where were the funny sensations coming from? So then he sent me to the neuro and the rest is history. If they diagnose you with a panic disorder, get yourself to an anxiety clinic. Tell them NOTHING of your previous diagnoses. Let them evaluate you. Be honest with them, absolutely brutally honest. Panic attacks don't start with auras and end with confusion. That is how the nurse knew I wasn't having panic attacks. As soon as I mentioned the pre- and post-panicky phase, she cut me off and told me they weren't panic attacks. Good luck, hun. (((mousehugstoyou)))

Re: Re: What will happen now?

Submitted by Rufus36 on Thu, 2006-11-23 - 10:35
Beccy hun I'm so incredibly sorry, to be honest I can't actually believe it! you know that diagnosis isn't right(!)'ve told me quite a bit bout the szrs you've had over the last few wks, & there's no way they are 'panic attacks!' but its hard isn't it if people don't believe you.. Hell, I wish I could help you more..just keep fighting yeah, & do what fzmousie suggests and maybe go to an 'anxiey clinic', thats a really good idea. Good Luck sweetie & I'm here for you whenever you wanna chat yeah.. BIG HUG & SMILE :-) Ruth xxxxx

Re: Re: Re: What will happen now?

Submitted by IloveHistory on Thu, 2006-11-23 - 11:24
I understand exactly what you are going through. I went to my G.P. immediately after my first seizure (which happened at school) and he asked me whether I bit my tongue and I told him that I hadn't. He took my blood pressure, which was completely normal and then told me that my blood pressure had been too low and that was why I "fainted." Excuse me?! I have never heard of people who jerk when they faint and wake-up completely confused and disoriented. My G.P. told me to forget about it! Obviously, when it happened a few more times over the next few days, my mother and I were not satisfied. My mother phoned my Paediatric Cardiologist and we both told him what had been going on (I have heart problems, so we wanted to see if this was related) and he referred me to the most wonderful neurologist ever! :) My neurologist told me that I had Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Right Frontal Lobe Epilespy and I was put on Lamictin (Lamotrigine), also called Lamictal. I made very sure that a report was sent to my G.P., I can assure you!

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