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is it epilepsy

Sun, 11/30/2014 - 23:00
My two year little girl was "diagnosed" with epilepsy this summer. She's had several EEGs since her first grand mal seizures at 17 months. She has had noticeable petite mal seizures since she was 11 months old. She has no triggers, she has never seized on an EEG and has had normal results. Yet she's developmentally delayed, she is progressing but in physical size she looks like a 1 year old, she's reaching milestones at the same rate as a one year old. We just had yet another seizure, her 5th grand mal last Wednesday. Her blood sugar was through the roof! Not low like most others, she was excessively thirsty and dehydrated prior, extremely fatigued and slept for hours even after having a full nights sleep (all that was prior to the seizure) In my heart, I don't feel this is epilepsy. I feel she is having seizures but there is a different underlying cause. Please shed some light for me


Did she have overnight EEG

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2014-12-01 - 00:47
Did she have overnight EEG monitoring? They don't see any absence patterns or discharges associated with generalized seizures on any EEGs? You know, some focal problems are too deep to show up on EEG, if they aren't certain what type she really has. Delayed development can be from so many things but seizure related discharges can contribute to that. Even if there is some weird non epilepsy reason for her seizures, you don't want damage from seizures to occur while someone investigates this further, e.g. some genetic testing can take a long time, MRIs are frequently ok even with epilepsy. Are you treating her seizures at this time?

A oerson can have more then 1

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2014-12-03 - 12:09
A oerson can have more then 1 type of seizure and the same with epilepsy. Grand mal seizures are generalize tonic clonic. Absence seizures and petite mal seizures. Both of which a person can have at night. If you are worried about her sleeping you need to understand that a seizure of any kind drains energy out of the person who had it. If the EEG's came back normal that does not mean she can't have epilepsy. It means the EEG picked up no abnormalities in the area they could go down to. The EEG can only pick up the electrilac impulses down to a certain depth in the brain. The abnormalities could be deeper in the brain.In your heart you don't feel it is epilepsy. Evidently you are still hearing or thinking of the information that comes with the stigma epilepsy has had for well over a thousand years. Epilepsy is more common then Parkinsons, ALZH and strokes combined. one in 25 people will have a seizure disorder at some time in their lived. So be thankful this isn't the 1960's when some people with epilepsy were being put in homes. Or the 1970's when some states would not let people with epilepsy get a marriage license. I have epilepsy which was caused by scared brain tissue. There are other people who have had an area in their brain grow wrog different while they were in the womb. That abnormal groth can cause epilepsy. If you have a car accident and hit your head hard it too can cause epilepsy. You do need to look at all the little things that can and do happen that can cause epilepsy. You also need to know that all it takes is having 2 seizures to diagnosis epilepsy. All epilepsy is a seizure disorder.  I am sorry but I do get upset when people today have the internet to get into to find information out but because they don't think it is a right diagnosis they come to a forum.  I do hope yo uget the infoemation you need

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