Community Forum Archive

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New to this diagnosis and just need friends

Sun, 06/18/2017 - 01:19
I was just diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy and I'm still trying to adjust and accept it. Some days I feel as though I'm living in a state of early dementia. Although I am married I do not have is support and actually it is the complete opposite where he uses it against me to make me feel worthless. I am strong or atleast I try to be but inside I am dying and no longer feeling like the me that I once was. I'm seeking out friends or peers or just somebody that might be able to help me get through this because I find myself sliding deeper into depression. I'm only on here because I feel that I'm running out of options and out of people that truly care or understand so if you are out there just know you would be a complete blessing and possibly savior to my life. I'm at the end of my rope and I don't know what else there is for me.


Hey Nikki, I know it's super

Submitted by on Wed, 2017-07-19 - 19:48
Hey Nikki, I know it's super rough, especially at the beginning when you've first been diagnosed and are trying to figure everything out. And not being able to drive just compounds everything. I absolutely understand how you are feeling (I felt very similarly when I was first diagnosed) and I am here for you if you need to rant about anything or just want to talk to someone who understands. I would love to be your friend and to help you get through this period of time. Stay strong! You are stronger than you think. Accepting this new aspect of who you are doesn't come instantly. It takes years to really process it and sometimes the diagnosis continues to surprise you with how it affects your life (I've been diagnosed for three years and I'm still coming to terms with some of the limitations to my lifestyle). Be encouraged that you can and will get through this and that you have people here who are rooting for you! <3

I Am also  New here and know

Submitted by Izardsue on Sun, 2017-07-23 - 06:52
I Am also  New here and know exactly how you feel and I'm always here if you want to talk 

The beginning is hard, but

Submitted by Becca86 on Tue, 2017-07-25 - 12:44
The beginning is hard, but you will find a new daily routine. Get outside and walk! It's quite  refreshing! Take up a new hobby you can do from home. It's easy to be sad about what you can't do; instead think about all the fun things you can do! I would hate for people to meet me and think "her life sucks."  If I met me on the street, what would I think?I love my life! I am my own advocate, and your husband should not be bearing this alone. Did you ever think about that? At the end of the day, you aren't the one dealing with a seizure- he is! And it's not fair! So do everything you can to share the difficulty and show him your love. Give him a night off with the boys, too. My husband is absolutely amazing, but I give him breaks. I'm dealt with epilepsy most of my life... I'm getting used to it LOLGood luck and don't forget to smile:)

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