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A walk for Epilepsy?

Mon, 02/13/2006 - 11:35
Why is it that Epilepsy never has like a "walk for the cure" thing? That always pissed me off..u always see those commercials for breast cancer and AIDS and Diabetes and never have I seen one commercial for Epilepsy. And I know so many people who have epilepsy. My roommate has it, my other friend and roommate (who is studying abroad currently) has it and a bunch of other ppl I know have it..and oddly enough I wasnt friends with those ppl initially b/c they had epilepsy. It was just an ironic thing. I think our illness is pretty important and I wish we could have a walk for the cure thing. Has anyone ever wondered that or been annoyed with the fact that people don't recognize our illness as that important?


Re: A walk for Epilepsy?

Submitted by Megan1373 on Wed, 2006-02-22 - 19:42
I agree we need more walks for us and to educate more people. If they can't use the money to find a cure then they can atleast help us pay for these damn expensive prescriptions. And maybe some more testing for better treatments.

Re: Re: A walk for Epilepsy?

Submitted by guitarmomma on Wed, 2006-02-22 - 20:09
If you do a google search for Sharon's Ride, walk, run, you see a few of the walks. I know that Conn, Wa., Hi, Minn, and a couple others have had them> Virginia has a walk, Kentucky,....... We need more publicity like the other walks, for sure! I hope that we can all be vocal and get the word out that we need help to find better treatment and cures for epilepsy. 2.7 mill Americans deal with epilepsy. Over 200,000 are new to the diagnosis annually and the number is climbing!

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