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Sun, 09/18/2005 - 22:36
My 15 yr old daughter was diagnosed with JME last May. She has had 3 Tonic Clonic szs upon awakening in the middle of the night. I was wondering if it was possible to have JME and NOT have any jerking of the arms or legs in the a.m.? My daughter has no other symptoms but the Tonis Clonics and they have been due to sleep deprivation. Has she been diagnosed wrong? Her eeg's have all been normal. She is on 200mg of Lamictal and has had no side effects or szs in three months. I just want to know exactly what she has!!! Very Frustrated!!



Submitted by aiwinski on Sun, 2005-10-16 - 01:29
Hi! I'm pretty new to all this. I was diagnosed with JME about a year ago, after going through two other neurologists who couldn't tell me anything except that I had epilepsy. The first neurologists I went to kind of made fun of me because the first time I kind of noticed that something was going on with me was when I was 15 and at church. While at church I was going to receive communion and suddenly everything went dark, and everything sounded like it was at a distance. Finally I came to after a woman trying to give me the Host spoke up. It must of lasted 10-15 seconds. At the time I didn't know what had happened and didn't think much of it until I started having jerks a year later. My first and second neuro's couldn't tell me much, but my third neuro. told me that it was an absence seizure. This is another type of seizure that is often affiliated with JME, and is often unrecognized. Absence seizures don't last long, and can seem like she is just not paying attention to you. My mother has witnessed two of these seizures. She said during one I didn't blink my eyes for about 15 seconds, and during the second I was fluttering my eyes. Well I hoped this helped. Best luck to you and your family


Submitted by msmilinjuscuz on Wed, 2006-08-16 - 12:54
Hi Katano you might want to try an epileptoligist along with your neouro. That's what we did there is a great epileptology center in Burmingham, AL. I've had seizures for ten yrs. and I'm twenty. When I went to the center in Burmingham a few yrs. ago I also was diagnosed with JME. The Doc. there was really caring and efficient in his work. Hope everything works out for your daughter ~Meg :)

Re: Re: JME

Submitted by sarah H on Wed, 2006-08-16 - 13:33
hi i was diagnosed with jme a few yrs ago and im now 18 is there any one else that can tell me hows its affected their lives?

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