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Surgery for a fairly well controlled condition?

Mon, 01/30/2012 - 18:36

Hello Everybody! 

My name is Nick, I am 26 and was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 19 even though I have had the complex partials since I was 10... Anyways, I have controlled epilepsy when medicated. I take 600mg of lamictal xr and vimpat 100mg daily.  The side effects are undesirable... it negatively effects some things like memory and focus. However, if I am not medicated, I go into a state of clustered tonic clonic seizures with complex partials as well.. 

I just went through a VEEG and had 9 seizures, 2 of which grand mal.. the rest complex partial...  I was told it is left temporal lobe and that I look like a candidate for surgery.. so far... 

So I guess I am wondering if surgery sounds appropriate considering I am controlled with medication??? I do not want to live with the side effects of the medication for the rest of my life and think surgery might be better in the long run...

I actually want to have the surgery.  I like the idea of no medication and I feel very alive and excited with the thought!  

Any input would be extremely appreciated.







Re: Surgery for a fairly well controlled condition?

Submitted by Chrissyml on Tue, 2012-06-05 - 12:10

Re: Surgery for a fairly well controlled condition?

Submitted by Chrissyml on Tue, 2012-06-05 - 12:12
My comment was spam filtered. Now it is posted three times. I've never been on another site with such a sensitive filter.

Re: Surgery for a fairly well controlled condition?

Submitted by Spike. on Tue, 2012-06-05 - 13:51

Chrissyml, whenever you post anything on here, or any other online forums or blogs, wait for say maybe at least 15 minutes because it's going to take some time for the posting to actually be posted.

Bruce (I'm not a doctor, but instead, an epilepsy support group leader, epilepsy advocate, who has epilepsy.)

Chrissyml, whenever you post anything on here, or any other online forums or blogs, wait for say maybe at least 15 minutes because it's going to take some time for the posting to actually be posted.

Bruce (I'm not a doctor, but instead, an epilepsy support group leader, epilepsy advocate, who has epilepsy.)

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