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Wada Test?

Fri, 03/03/2006 - 18:09
Hi everyone, I have epilepsy since I was 13 Months. I am being considered for epileptic Surgery. I was just wondering is there anybody out there that has had the WADA test done that can tell me how it went for you and what it was like? I had a PET Scan today and I have been given a appointment to go for a WADA on the 20th of this month. could anyone please out there let me know if they have had that wada and was it successful as I very concerned about it?? Thanks Raid.


Re: Wada Test?

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2006-03-06 - 07:31
Going through WADA and surgery can be stressful tiime and hearing from others, and being prepared on just what to expect is very key. Ask the team you are working with to talk to a nurse, social worker, and neuropsychologist to go through just what to expect, tips to make it easier and how to manage after it. Good luck! Epi_help

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