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VNS Surgery

Wed, 01/03/2007 - 01:05
Hello I am new to the site. My 12 year old son is going to have vns surgery TOMORROW. Can anyone shed some light on what I can expect? Do you see a better quality of life in the vns receipiant? I'm feeling scared although it's outpatient surgery. I have heard so many things. Somebody, Anybody talk to me!


Re: VNS Surgery

Submitted by tcamargo on Sat, 2007-03-03 - 00:11
I know what your going through, my son is 13 and had his VNS surgery last week. It's kind of like learning something from scratch isn't it?His surgery went well, it lasted about an hour, he was in recovery for another hour then went to a room, he stayed overnight because he also has a heart condition. But he was fine, he was only groggy from the anesthesia and pain meds. He went back to school yesterday and is acting like himself again. He goes next week for his follow up and I think they will raise the setting alittle. I haven't seen any side effects yet, I can't tell when it comes on yet. But he hasn't had a seizure since he got it. I hope your sons surgery went well and he is in good health. You hang in there too, it's not easy to have to watch your child go through this but you have to stay positive and have faith that it will get better. Let me know how it's going and I'll keep in touch too.

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