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New to the site

Fri, 03/10/2006 - 13:47
Hello everyone, I just registered today and I am quite impressed with the amount of people that are members to this site. I do not have epliepsy but my husband does. His seizures were basically contolled until he fell 10 ft. of a ladder at work when the ladder shifted in June 2005. He was knocked unconcious and since them his seizures have become uncontrollable. He has about 200 seizures a month, partial and grand mal. He has a VNS, that does not work, he has been on EVERY medication, and can not have surgery becuase it is in the left temperal where his vision, speech, memory, etc. is. They have basically told us that there is nothing else that they can do medically. His short term memory has started to slip, and that is really scary. He is on Dilantin 600 mg. Lamictical 300 mg. Lyrica 1200mg and Ativan 2 mg a day!!! NOTHING IS WORKING!!!!He is 27 with a full life ahead of him. We have three girls 11, 7, and 5. He can not drive, be left alone for long periods of time, and can not work. He has applied for disability, and we are waiting for the outcome, hopefully soon. It is the hardest thing WE have ever been through. It's hard on me becuase everything is on me now, I am so frustrated that I can not do anything for him. I can only watch and pray. He will not let anyone else do anything for him but me because he feels like he is a burden. He also feels like he is a burden to me no matter how many times I tell him he's not. I just wanted to know if anyone else has or does expereince uncontollable seizures, and if you do what has been doen to help them? Does anyone know of any other treatment that we could try? Jacqueline


Re: Re: Re: New to the site

Submitted by coolcanadian on Fri, 2006-03-10 - 21:08
Hi Jacqueline, welcome to our website- it's part yours now too. Thanks for your post. As I read it, I thought of my own wife when my seziures started and I was diagnosed with E. I remember how bad I felt laying a burden like that on her. But she never hesitated to show me how much she loves me, no matter what. Had it not been for her wonderful support there's no telling how things would have turned out- but certainly it would have been all bad. Your husband is a very fortunate man to have you. I know it's tough. We don't have any magic wands or special potions to offer here, but you have found a bunch of good people willing to give you all the support we can. -cc

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