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New to all of this...

Wed, 01/03/2007 - 11:53
My 7 month old daughter is currently undergoing tests to determine why she is having myoclonic seizures. She's had 2 eegs and has been started on Zonegran (last night in fact). We're learning as we go but the neurologist seems hopefull that she does not have infantile spasms. I'm looking for anyone else who has dealt with infants with this and reassurance right now. We're so overwhelmed and the medicine is already altering her behaviors. Thanks Jenn


Re: Re: Re: New to all of this...

Submitted by mama bear on Thu, 2007-01-04 - 19:39
Hi Jen, Glad to hear it is going well, and you have maintained a good attitude. When I read that sometimes your Lydia has trouble sleeping it reminded me that Fletcher used to sleep really restlessly, and wake up quite a bit. Our neurologist recommended giving him a small dose of Melatonin. Did I already mention this? The doctor said that it was safe and natural, and the majority of the doctors and nurses at the hospital use it to help themselves reach a deep sleep easier, as their routines are messed up by the shift work. you can get it over the counter at any health food store or drug store and it is not supposed to interfere with their meds in any way. We have been using it for two weeks now and Fletcher goes into that deep REM sleep for about the first four hours he is in bed! What a releif to hear him snoring and getting some good "deep" sleep. If the meds stop knocking her out you may want to ask your doctor about it. I am glad to hear you are having an MRI, I am sure that you will feel much more comfortable with things after that. We really felt better when we knew more about what we were dealing with. Best of luck to you over the next few days. I hope the meds help things get under controle. Let us know how things go. Tresa (mama bear)

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