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Hello to All

Sat, 08/26/2006 - 19:47
I just wanted to say hello and tell everyone how much I enjoy this forum. I have had simple partial seizures for about 1 1/2 years, just diagnosed 3 weeks ago. I have a history of encephalitis, two concusions and a skull fracture, which I think is the cause of all this. My neuro has not said what he thinks the cause is. I had a series of episodes 1 1/2 years ago and spent a week in the hospital. They could not find anything and marked it up to a migrain, since I have a hisory of those also. I never experienced another one until about a month ago. A week later I had another series and spent another week in the hospital. They didn't find any thing that time either. I finally had an abulatory EEG which was abnormal in the temporal area. I was started on Keppra at 500 mg twice a day. Then it was increased two weeks ago to 500 mg in the morning and 750 at night. I am now taking 750 mg twice a day. It was just increased this morning after having eight seizures yesterday. It is so odd not being able to move a muscle but knowing everything that is going on around you. The medication is causing me some very bad emotional turmoil. I get angry over the least little thing and the depression just about has me immobile. My poor husband is having to deal with all of this turmoil since I can no longer work or drive so it has put him under some financhial strain as well as emotional. It is all a big mess. Thanks for letting me vent.


Re: Hello to All

Submitted by Joan K on Tue, 2006-08-29 - 20:26
Welcome Califgal- I am in Los Angeles and there are many members in California. I am on Keppra and am basically mild mannered and like to have fun. I almost went bonkers when I tried to stop the Keppra. So my doc gave me an antidepressant and the depression has lightened up now to just occassional emotional events instead of all day, every day. My hubbie and a few members here had to deal with me for a few weeks until I got back to Welcome and let me know where you are in California! Hugs Joan K

Re: Re: Hello to All

Submitted by califgal930 on Mon, 2006-09-04 - 10:42
Thanks for the warm wishes. I live in San Jose right now. Found out over the weekend we are being transferred to Dallas, probably in October. I am on a small amt of antidepressant, Elavil 10mg. Anything above that and I am non functinal. I haven't struck a happy medium with anything yet. Have a great holiday.

Re: Hello to All

Submitted by ritab2002 on Thu, 2006-08-31 - 14:02
Hi, I am sorry you are feeling things are messed up for you ,it is however very normal going through what you are. I felt very much the same as you and the Keppra which I also took at the beginning made me feel like I was in an emotional upheaval. I had taken the Keppra for about 8mos and finally spoke to my Dr. asking him if my emotions and anger were typical for someone who had recently lost their job, license, sense of freedom etc. you know the picture. To make a long story short, he spoke to some fellow Doctors and they referred me to a specialist in E. Since my first appointment I felt I had someone "on my side." He added Dilantin and plans to reduce the Keppra. To my shock, my old, much more stable personality began to emerge and 3mos. later I am happy to report, is still here. My husband and son also noticed immediatly. Since meds. are so different for all of us, with your Dr., keep trying to find one that works or add one that may temper the Keppra (((hugs))) Rita~

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