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6 years old abnormal EEG, but no seisures. Help me understand!

Mon, 08/21/2006 - 23:29
My 6 years old son had abnormal EEG and his neurologist told us that he does not have seisures, he just has tics. The EEG report says he has very frequent epileptiform discharges during drowsiness and sleep from the centrotemporal areas of both sides brain. Does anyone knows what does his EEG means? Does anyone had this experience with abnormal EEG and no seisures? I am concerned about my son, he is doing things like tics almost every day. What realy concerns me is the first a couple of days of the symptoms where he lost his bladder control and seemed tired all day, stares alot. Does seisures look like tics? and come every day? Can somebody help me understand what is going on with my kid. Desperate Mom looking for answeres.


Re: 6 years old abnormal EEG, but no seisures. Help me understan

Submitted by Cathy_C on Tue, 2006-08-22 - 06:11
pswebster, I have actually never heard of tics before. If my child or myself was told I had tics I think I would go for a second opinion and ask the new doctor what they were. If at all possible try and find an Epitologist in your area. They are so much more advanced in the area of Epilepsy for that is all they work with. I found on that is totally awesome with her patients and will answer anything I ask her. She as gone as far to call me at my home personally. I would ask the new doctor for new EEG and MRI. Has your son had an MRI? It is very important that you require one done because the MRI picks up so much more information the EEG and shows things that the EEG doesn't. I hope what little information is here from me helps you out. Good luck and keep us updated on what happens with the little guy.

Re: 6 years old abnormal EEG, but no seisures. Help me understan

Submitted by angelsdeath on Tue, 2006-08-22 - 08:19
Hi pswebster, I know when I was diagnosed with E at age 11, They couldnt find ANYTHING wrong with my EEG or my MRI. I took 11 years and they finally found something wrong with my eeg, which doesnt make sense to me. My dr. Said that another Dr. might read it totally different than her. I also have tics and they said they are considered seizures. Good luck with everything. You might want to try different Dr.s. I used to have my tics about 6 or more a day.

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