Community Forum Archive

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Seizure use Cannibis?

Mon, 03/27/2017 - 15:35
Hi, I am 35yrs and have an average of 1 grand mal every 2.5 years. I am thinking on using cannabis when I feel it coming on. Does anyone do this or have any experience on whether it helps the immediate situation? Currently not on any meds. My theory is to take cannabis when symptoms come on and be back to normal in a few minutes without having the grand mal.


Another big thing it has

Submitted by Drinkie on Thu, 2017-10-12 - 20:16
Another big thing it has helped me with is dealing with many of the messed up side effects from the various Rx's I had to try out like a lab rat to see what works. Cannabis could put a smile on my face even when i was a doped Dilantin/depakote zombie or make me eat on keppra. Keppra really got to me bad in the end (figured out im allergic to it now) and I would routinely go 24-48 hours between meals and cannabis is probably one of the only reasons I actually ate any food during that time. It also helped take the edginess off and helped bring some more patience into my mood when feeling angry at the life situation, Rx, side effects, Dr, depression, lack of freedom/income, insurance...I couldn't agree more with this. Picks me back up and gives me my energy and sense of humor. I'm asking my Dr for a prescription when I see him next week. 

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