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Wanted: Diagnosis

Thu, 05/26/2005 - 16:55

Been taking between 300 and 600mg of Carbatrol a day. Have been siezure free for the last 3-4 years.   Being the stubborn Greek that I am, I decided to wean myself off a couple weeks ago.

On Tuesday (after cutting the Carbatrol on Sunday) I had 2 siezures (gran mal).  Need some opinions...Was this caused by dropping the medication cold turkey?


RE: RE: Wanted: Diagnosis

Submitted by Browen on Fri, 2005-05-27 - 13:03
Don't ever go off your meds cold turkey-my nuero said that'll cause seizures. They definately need to be weaned off. Also please make sure you always consult with your doctor before doing anything like that. Your doctor does know what's best for you.

RE: Wanted: Diagnosis

Submitted by Yakota on Sat, 2005-05-28 - 09:33
Hi. Yes. More than likely you had seizure because of going off the AEDs cold turkey. Not smart. My neuro once told me that more than 50% of ER seizure visits are due to seizure patients who just stopping the AEDS all of a sudden because they don't think they need them anymore. You can stop taking an antibiotic and it won't effect your CNS (Central Nervous System,) or how the neurons fire in the brain. (Antibiotics effect the white blood cells.) But any kind of drug that directly changes the neuron fire in your brain, AED, antidepressant, antipsychotic, antianxiety, or anything that effects the cns should be tappered off and removed with caution. FYI: Going off any of these types of drugs cold turkey can cause seizure even in patients who don't have a history of seizure. If you are taking a drug to control seizure then be advised you must tapper off the drug slowly so as not to cause withdrawl. Blessings. Linda.

RE: Wanted: Diagnosis

Submitted by Mersix on Mon, 2005-05-30 - 22:42
I have read here many times that most of us that take drugs to control our seizures should consider it a life time commitment. I was surprized to see responses regarding tapering off the drug. I have also read here and other places that seizures get worse over time, and with repitition. The drugs control the seizures but don't make the part of your brain that is misfiring better, in other words it doesn't fix the problem only controls it. Have I been missing something? Does being on medication for a while change your brain so that the seizures stop, has anyone heard that? Why would you think that it was OK to go off the drug at all?I consider myself fortunate that Carbatrol controls my seizures with very few side effects. (none that I can determine but maybe I am aclimatized). Mersix

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