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Taking Keppra and Lactimal and having issues

Sun, 03/13/2016 - 12:35
I'm a 26 year old felmale.., I've had grand mal, partial seizures, and focal seizures. I was originally on keppra, and still having seizures. I had to find a new neurologist hi can more effectively help me. She decided to try Lamictal since it has worked for my mom in the past, she has grandma seizures since she was three years old., mine didn't start until I was twenty three. She had no adverse side effects. My neurologists goal is to continue to check my blood and see if I have enough of the lamictal in my system before I wean of the jeopardize, I have been very slowly worked the Lamictal into my system by increasing my dose by 25mgs a week. Now I am on the maximum dose of each until I get blood work done. Keppra has always given me issues, including anxiety, hairless, skin issues and loss of memory. Now that I'm on both medications things are much worse and I'm pushing my family away, even though tgey are understanding to a degree they can only handle so much, and I can't blame them. It's like walking on eggshells around me, I think everyone is talking bad about me, and feel like I'm a burden on them. I guess may be because I've been having such negative thoughts towards myself. I've been having a lot of anxiety and depression,insomnia( which I've never had) p, I also never used to dream and now I have intense unexplainable dreams. I also have a loss of appetite and already weigh less than 110 pounds. I sleep walk and not eat and often don't remember it. I cry at least twice a day, happy or sad... and often get angry towards my loved ones for situations that are irrelevant or that I've made up in my head. Things feel heavier and I just can't seem to handle anything. My memory has gotten a lot of worse, I'm in a long distance relationship temporarily and my partner said I had sent him an intimate video mentioned it yesterday and I have no recolation of it, I apologize for my openness but I need to mention it because when you have loss of memory that pertains to intimate situations, it can bring up a lot of negative feelings. Ivan deal with the headaches, sensitivity to light and sounds, and even the loss of sleep. But my anxiety and mood swings I can't handle for the sake of my loved ones. I am very frustrated and don't know how to handle myself. I don't want to speak to my doctor because I don't wast to prescribed and mood stabilizers. Hoping I can get some advice on how to better function until I can this all evened out. Thank you for everyone's time, it's greatly appreciated.


Thank you Michael for your

Submitted by bnoelle12 on Sat, 2016-04-09 - 13:27
Thank you Michael for your inspiration, I really hope the side effects go away too, luckily I'm blessed with family that have a lot of patience, and I'm happy to hear you have such a supportive wife! You are very lucky. Still lost a lot of friends, no matter how much I explain they don't seem to understand.... Since I was so witty and had a great memory, I can't remember things sometimes even minutes after ... How do you do handle that? To me it's frustrating and embarrassing 

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