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side effects of tegritol

Sun, 01/15/2006 - 23:10
could anyone please tell me the side effects of tegritol


Re: Re: side effects of tegritol

Submitted by andy m on Thu, 2006-04-06 - 03:19
tegritol-No way man! it was like being a Zombie. It was like being the most stoned I've been, the up side been it was at least free!!! only joking. The double vision and sheer lethargy meant I almost had to give up working. The other down-side being that when i didn't feel like this i suffered panic attacks because i felt it wasn't working. It also gave me terrible short term memory, I would often leave the house thinking i had taken them then have to go back to double check cos i was so confused.

I know just what you mean

Submitted by bassdesires on Sat, 2006-04-15 - 09:11
I know just what you mean there, man! I kinda feel zombified, but mainly, it's the short-term memory, lethargy, panic attacks ('cause I'm scared to have a seizure, as I only have the gran-mals), a physical side-effect I'm too embarrased to mention here, and one I've only seen reported elsewhere once. The mood swings are terrible, to be sure, but the depression is the worst, by far. Anyhoo, here's the weird one. I've noticed that when I listen to music on my meds, the music sounds just a hair deeper (a half tone for those that understand theory) than normal. When I have a low or nonexistent amount in my system, it sounds "normal." I've been taking Tegretol XR for 11 going on 12 years now, and I've been playing music for 10. It doesn't mess with my writing and playing as much as one would think, but it's still annoying 'cause I don't know whether I'm hearing things right or not. I've mentioned this to my doctor, and whenever I do, he just looks at me like I'm a loony or something. Thing is, I've seen it mentioned on Wikipedia, and that site is almost all user maintained, so someone else HAD to have experienced it. I just don't know what to do about it. Is there something that can fix it, or do I just need to deal with it like I have been?

Re: I know just what you mean

Submitted by andy m on Sat, 2006-04-15 - 11:19
Hi there, No way man it ain't just you with the music. I'm not on tegretol anymore but my other meds have given me heightened and different feel and appreciation for music. I like you have mentioned this to others and they always say 'like you mean you're stoned' and I have to say no that isn't it. It's something that is hard to put into words but I think you know what I mean. It has certainly increased my pleasure in listening to music even if everyone else doesn't know what you're talking about. Nice to know it's not just my imagination. Happy listening and playing. Andy.

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