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Problem with Keppra

Sun, 10/21/2007 - 22:43
Hi All, I started Keppra a week ago. After first dose I was confused and unsteady while standing or walking. I also cry often which is so unlike me. I have never been a sad or unhappy person but now I cry at the drop of a hat! I don't trust myself to make decisions while taking Keppra. Talked to the neuro on Friday as I am trying to return to work. I told him how this med was affecting me. He stated, as before, "Keppra has no side effects, stop thinking about it so much". In my work I have close contact with geriatric residents and sound judgement is a must. My question to you is how long did it take you to tolerate this med (if ever?)Did you find any tricks to help you along such as with food?Anything that may help.I want to return to work on a part-time basis.I am a nurse in a small nursing home/rehab center and quick thinking while on the run is required.At this time I find that I no longer have the qualities that allowed me to be good at what I love to do.I have little or no experiance with AED,any advice?


Re: Re: Problem with Keppra

Submitted by mom205 on Wed, 2007-10-24 - 00:17
Deb & Becki, thanks for responding. I will try eating more often. I would say less but I eat very little anyway. I'm sure you are both right when you say I need to give the meds more time. I'm trying so hard to return to my life. It worries me that I am so confused and sad most of the time.I'm not sad but I cry often.Lately I have noticed that it's hard for me to "think" or concentrate on anything. Too,I worry about work and that I could make a mistake.I worked last night and it was a total screw-up.I may need to wait a bit longer before going back. Now if I notice hairloss, I'm gonna scream.Once more,thanks and you both take care. Mom

Mom205 How are things

Submitted by bex on Sat, 2007-12-01 - 15:56
Mom205 How are things working out for you? I'm off the Keppra now - sigh off relief - and gradually coming off the Topomax too! Going to try no meds for a while, as none of them seem to be agreeing with me at the moment. I am starting to feel the withrawal effects. Let us know how you are getting on. Bex

Re: Problem with Keppra

Submitted by BeckyNYY on Thu, 2007-10-25 - 11:12
Hi Mom205, I only take Keppra (3250 mg/day) and found that eating does help ease the side effects. I get a little dizzy and sleepy about an hour after I take my meds, but it usually goes away within a half hour. When my dosage increases, I have been through that "crying for no reason" thing, but that too goes away. If Keppra keeps bugging you, I hope you can find something that works better for you. Good luck!

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