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Please help

Mon, 09/26/2005 - 18:02
Hi. I wrote before. I had a seizure 17 years ago, been on tegretol 200mg 2x ad day and have been seizure free ever since. I started having seizure symptoms about a week and a half ago only at night. I cant get to sleep. They just keep coming right after I go to sleep. I think I am only asleep for about 15 minutes or so, and then they hit. I have heavy heart beat, breathe hard, cold sweats, throat feels like I am going to throw up, and I feel like I am going to seize. I never had any convulsions. I have always woke up thoough, and then try desperatly to go back to sleep. But, then it just happens again, and again and again. I am not getting any sleep. People keep telling me to get some sleep. I AM TRYING!!!!!!!!! I have an mri and ekg in two days. I dont have a neurologist and I tried to make an appt and they say I cant see one until Noveember. I cant do this until November!!!!!!! I did see a physicians assistant (my primary care is on maternity leave) and he upped my meds 400 at night. **How long will that take before it takes affect - the increased dose? Will it help?? Why is this happeneing after so long of being seizure free?? I live in a rural community with very little health care but am willing to travel 5 hours to see anyone. Does anyone have any answers??????


Re: Please help

Submitted by pugs8681 on Mon, 2007-03-12 - 07:14
Hi, on 1/30/07 I had a serious back operation. Over 7 hours and I now have 12 screws and 2 rods. I hadn't had a seizure since 1/1/76. 2 days after I came home from the hospitol my son found me on the floor. I had had a seizure and while he was calling 911 I had another one. In the ambulance I had 2 more, at the hospitol I had one more until they put me in a comma and I also was on life support and in intensive care. I've been on dilantin 100mg for years. My thought is that they came me 2 blood tranfusions and maybe the dilatin level wasn't high enough for me. I hadn't been on phenobartial for 17 years and the neurologist put me back on it. I don,t shake like I used to. My suggestion is having your dilantin level checked. I beleive it should be around 17. When i first came home from the hospitol we played the level game and finally got it right. I'm waiting now for the surgeon to give the o.k. for an MRI. I have a spot on the left side of my brain that was just found when I had the EEG. Shae can't tell me what it is until I have the MRI. I have to go every couple weeks to have the level checked. I hope this helped alittle. Cheryl (Georgia)

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