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Mon, 07/18/2005 - 17:32

Hi, does anyone have any movements or nervous movements after they take there medications.I am on 2 mg of atvian and 500 mg of seems that either before I take them or after my right arms shakes and I have no control over it



RE: movements

Submitted by dayna on Mon, 2005-07-18 - 17:32
talking  about movements, has anyone had the Elvis twitch of the leg?  My leg will just sort of do this little dance on its own.  It kinda shakes for a little while and then stops.

RE: RE: movements

Submitted by txrhb1 on Tue, 2005-07-19 - 02:22

Yep, I get the leg shakes too, especially when I am sitting down and have any type of pressure on my toes - my grandkids can't wait for it to happen to me, so they can get a REALLY good "horsey-ride" from "Nanny".  My kids all think it's a hoot! - and at least it doesn't hurt (to me).


Yep, I get the leg shakes too, especially when I am sitting down and have any type of pressure on my toes - my grandkids can't wait for it to happen to me, so they can get a REALLY good "horsey-ride" from "Nanny".  My kids all think it's a hoot! - and at least it doesn't hurt (to me).


RE: RE: RE: movements

Submitted by Spiz on Tue, 2005-07-19 - 08:27

Dayna and Barb,

    Elvis twitch and horsey ride! LOL! I love to see a good sense of humor when I first login. I've never had them while standing but I have when sitting or laying down. My leg feels like a human jack hammer. Very irritating!      Smiles!


Dayna and Barb,

    Elvis twitch and horsey ride! LOL! I love to see a good sense of humor when I first login. I've never had them while standing but I have when sitting or laying down. My leg feels like a human jack hammer. Very irritating!      Smiles!


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