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Medicine with the least side effects?

Tue, 08/15/2006 - 22:25
Reading the posts, it seems all these medications have really negative side effects. Is there one out there that's supposed to have the least? Or is there one that's generally accepted to be the worst? I know they all effect people differently, but I'm so afraid to switch medicines now reading about all these negative side effects. Am a long term Dilantin user (46 yrs.) who has to switch now. It's sort of a case of the devil you know. One doctor says Keppra and another Lamictal, so I'm seeking opinions here about both. Thanks for any information on personal experiences. CB


Re: Re: Medicine with the least side effects?

Submitted by CB on Thu, 2006-08-17 - 12:03
Thanks, Erin. All comments are helpful. I've been on Dilantin for 46 years and have only had three seizures (grand mal) in my life. The initial one, then one when I was on phenobarbitol and had a reaction, and the last when, many years later, a doctor said I'd "outgrown" my seizures and told me to stop the Dilantin. I did and had a seizure a couple of weeks later. I know I'm lucky to have had so few, and wonder from your comment about changing routines causing seizures if it's possible to determine for sure whether one has epilepsy or not. Good luck with the Keppra! CB

Re: Re: Re: Medicine with the least side effects?

Submitted by GodivaGirl on Thu, 2006-08-17 - 20:13
No problem CB. Just so you know, the way the figured out my seizures are as a result of change in routine was my dad came with me when I saw my new neurologist in Toronto. When my dad & my latest neuro talked they discovered when I was young seizures happened when my parents went away on a vacation, a day or so before my family did. Then during university it was during exams when I'd stay up way later than normal cramming. Something about the stress, but it is more when something in my life goes really inconsistent. That got confirmed as the definate reason when I was able to tell my neuro a few years ago that my hormonal cycle triggers seizures as well (that's getting better - luckily). Any changes in routines and I just gotta make sure I relax, take it easy, dodge the stress and get a bit more sleep. During my cycle or if I feel sick at all, it's just the same, relax, take it easy & add to the equation - get more sleep. One suggestion for you if u are anything like me. 10 sessions with a stress mgmt counsellor and getting into yoga has worked just as well as any medication for me. Good Luck to you as well. Erin

Re: Medicine with the least side effects?

Submitted by amyleighlaw on Fri, 2006-08-18 - 16:45
Hi there, I've been on almost all the meds on the market due to the fact that I am very sensitive to anti-convulsants and what fixes my seizures doesnt always agree with my body as a whole. Lamictal worked well for me but took a very long time for me to reach a therapeutic dose, and made me slightly headachy. Am taking tegretol 800mg and Keppra 2000mg now. The keppra is really good, made me a little sleepy and very low blood pressure to start with, so I fell a lot and walked around holding the house walls upright for a few weeks! also get a bit moody when I know I'm due to take my next dose. hope this helps. Amy

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