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Is Dilantin making me worse?

Thu, 07/14/2005 - 15:21
Hi all,I am on 300 mg on odd days and 400 mg on even of Dilantin. I know that it is a "baby-dosage", but I swear, ever since I started Dilantin, my seizures have become worse. Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like I am in a constant absence seizure (but that could also be from the med), but I know when I actually have one (or when someone tells me so). I've been having more atonic and complex partial since I began the med as well. I know the dr. has my best interest at heart, but last time I was there, he was talking about increasing the dosage if I was still having seizures! Then again, he thinks I am a good candidate for VNS...This is truly freaking me out. I have been on most of the anti-seizure meds because I was initially diagnosed as bipolar, and none seemed to have an effect (except Klonopin...I'm also taking 4 mg a day of that and it calms me). I've gone from a "normal" working person, to someone who is almost terrified of leaving the husband has to take me to the doctors and whatnot because my license was suspended...waiting for disability to kick in...the whole nine yards.I appreciate your feedback!Thanks,Stephanie


RE: Is Dilantin making me worse?

Submitted by basilwalker on Fri, 2005-07-15 - 18:07
hi stephanie, each person reacts differently to different meds. for me it was neurontin, after 2 weeks slowly increasing the dose i started getting severe siezures unlike and worse than any other i'd ever had. dilantin i feel never helped me at all, i was taking it with lamictal and after pushing(really pushing) my neuro to take me off the dilantin but stay on the lamictal he did it and my seizures stayed the same. as for the dissability thing, stop struggling and just do it(if you haven't already. i wish i had applied as soon as my sz went crazy instead of holding onto the hope that they would get better. social security takes a long time to review applications, you have nothing to loose to apply now even if you're not sure you need it. talk to someone else and ask their opinion, plust if things are getting a little worse now, you might really need it later. if you're having problems with memory and confusion take someone with you when you have your application appointment, sometime it makes a HUGE difference i'd also recomend talking to your doc about your diagnosis' and let them know about applying for dissability to see if they know better wording to help the poor and sometimes very misinformed shleps at the social security admin. talk to the epilepsy foundation also and ask for recomendations and/or referrals to someone who can help you the best. i know how madening it is, i have multiple siezures every day and the AED side-effects are driving me crazy! i've been on lamictal at least 7 years, was seize-free for 3 yrs then they started again for no known reason. adding klonapin helped but makes me tired and clumbsy. then they added keppra on top of it and it more than doubled the side-effects! i'm scared to leave my home, scared even to walk on the sidewalk cause i stumble so much and will suddenly veer off to the side loosing my ballance.i just hope they find good meds for me, i also wont do the VNS, and i practically hpoe i'm a candidate for surgery. the good thing is i finally got an appointment with an epileptologist instead of just neuros which is all i've ever had in the past. good luck to you!-basil

RE: RE: Is Dilantin making me worse?

Submitted by steffles on Sun, 2005-07-17 - 04:08
Basil, Thanks for replying. I have already applied for has been about a month and a half since my official application date. You are right, I should have applied sooner, but I, like you, waited, thinking that my sz's would get better. As for your meds...I took lamictal for a while, but it didn't do ANYthing! Klonopin side effects will get better. I have been on it for about four years and I swear I cannot tell the difference (in side effects) when I take my meds. Don't forget to take it though...the withdrawal effects are MURDER! (Kind of like other addictive drugs, I guess). My husband has been a great help with everything. Since I don't have a license (DMV suspended it), he has to drive me everywhere. He also keeps a packet containing copies of everything and a pad of paper where he can record significant things. Great help!Thanks again.Stephanie

RE: Is Dilantin making me worse?

Submitted by smokingtp on Sun, 2005-07-17 - 00:50

Dear Stefanie,

                    Besides cross-eyed vision, depression, suicidal tendacies, swollen gums, loss of apitite, and slurred speech, Dilantin is also known to "cause" serizures. Something the doctor fails to inform parents and epileptics at risks.

I took Dilantin for over 24 years, only to experience increase and variation in seizures.    The only thing better than Dilantin is God's medicine. Marijuana.

It's also good for the heart, and kills cancer cells.

Any epileptics interested in class action law suite against the makers of Dilantin?

How are we being pushed dope, without full infomed consent and risks involved?

It is a crime that epileptics are being pushed bad dope and lobectomies, which have NO application for treating epilepsy.

Dilantin is poison, best to wean off with about 4 joints a day. Don't listen to the doctor about pot, his job is to kill you with his experimental drugs, and brain surgical experiments.  

I'm not too far off, with approx. 3000 deaths each and every year in canda, due to status epilepticus.   One has to ask, if our medical profession is so compentant, then why such a high epileptic fatality rate? 

Hopefully those with epilepsy will wake up to this medical corruption, and marijuana deficient society.



Dear Stefanie,

                    Besides cross-eyed vision, depression, suicidal tendacies, swollen gums, loss of apitite, and slurred speech, Dilantin is also known to "cause" serizures. Something the doctor fails to inform parents and epileptics at risks.

I took Dilantin for over 24 years, only to experience increase and variation in seizures.    The only thing better than Dilantin is God's medicine. Marijuana.

It's also good for the heart, and kills cancer cells.

Any epileptics interested in class action law suite against the makers of Dilantin?

How are we being pushed dope, without full infomed consent and risks involved?

It is a crime that epileptics are being pushed bad dope and lobectomies, which have NO application for treating epilepsy.

Dilantin is poison, best to wean off with about 4 joints a day. Don't listen to the doctor about pot, his job is to kill you with his experimental drugs, and brain surgical experiments.  

I'm not too far off, with approx. 3000 deaths each and every year in canda, due to status epilepticus.   One has to ask, if our medical profession is so compentant, then why such a high epileptic fatality rate? 

Hopefully those with epilepsy will wake up to this medical corruption, and marijuana deficient society.



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