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simple partials

Sun, 09/17/2006 - 18:06
excuse me if I've posted this before, but I can't find my post, so i'll try again. I hope someone can help. My 12yrold started complaining of a weird feeling or thought that interrupts her activity. It feels like her brain is forcing her to remember something, but it has nothing to do with what she is doing. It's like when you get frustrated "oh where have I seen that guy before". Except she doesn't initiate it. She is fully conscious, can hold her head and talk normally to you and say "hold on, wait for this to pass" and even manipulate the tv controls. It lasts 2 seconds. They bother her. Her neuro things she's having simple partials. Can they be THAT simple? She can be so "with it". Has anyone had one simple symptom and that's all. Do you take medication if that's the only symptom? thanks


Re: simple partials

Submitted by Bloodyrose on Sun, 2006-09-17 - 20:53
Hi there! Yes, definitely sounds like SPS. These can occur from as few as one every decade, to hundreds a day, depending on the person. And they do seem simple, yes, but they can also be very alarming and frightening, depending on the situation and the type of SMS. Like the other poster said, there can be many manifestations - mine range from striking, general fear, burning smells, whispering of my name, shifts in perception where the floor rushes up, or things get smaller, and dreamy, confused states. I'm about to go back on meds, primarily to deal with these, because they are happening a lot lately, and each of them takes a little more energy out of me. I have CPS and grand mals too, but it is entirely possible to just have simples.

Re: Re: simple partials

Submitted by seizuregirl on Mon, 2006-09-18 - 06:24
I just got lost in what I was reading. What's an SMS and CPS? Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

Re: Re: Re: simple partials

Submitted by Bloodyrose on Mon, 2006-09-18 - 12:22
The first was a typo. It's SPS. lol. Simple Partial and Complex Partial Seizures.

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