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Seizures and amusement parks????

Mon, 07/31/2006 - 20:24
My daughter is 8 years old, and has had Epilepsy for about 4 years now. She doesn't have frequent seizures (about 1 every other month) but they are severe when she has them and require medical assistance to stop. (status epilepticus) My question is this: We are planning a trip to our local amusement park (Geauga Lake) and am curious to know if anyone else has heard anything regarding the risk of seizure while riding rides such as those that spin, and roller coasters. She has been begging for the last three years to go on the big rides, and I've been scared. She is super psyched about going on roller coasters this year since she's big enough now, but again, I fear what may happen. I haven't been able to find any links related to this online. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!! Cindy


Re: Seizures and amusement parks????

Submitted by angel_lts on Thu, 2006-08-10 - 07:51
Hi Cindy, As a child I had an experience. When I was about 13 I could go on the spinning rides. I could do all of them and I was taking my seizure meds. But my boyfriend at the age of 21, now my husband. Wanted me to go on a rollar coaster. I told him I could not. Now he really didnt know anything about epilepsy yet. He knew I had it but that was it. I decided to prove to him and show him what would happen. SO I went on it. I came off shaking all over. Didnt feel right for the rest of the day. He felt so bad. So now he listens to what I have to say. But of course we have been together for 24 years and now he fully knows and understands. I dont know if its the amount of meds your taking or what, but her is an article that may be of some help. Lisa As summer gets under way, many people are heading to amusement parks seeking fun and thrills. Yet for parents of children with epilepsy, venturing to amusement parks requires more than just having fun - it also calls for careful planning. Janice Buelow, R.N., Ph.D., an assistant professor of nursing at Indiana University, believes parents need to think about what their child with epilepsy may experience at the amusement park. "There are several things parents of children with epilepsy need to consider, such as whether or not a particular ride can trigger their child's seizures via strobe lights or loud sounds," Buelow said. "Also, parents need to ask the question, 'If my child loses consciousness or has one of their typical seizures on a ride, what would happen? Would my child be safe?'" Buelow also contends that the safety of a child in an amusement park setting depends a lot on how well-controlled their seizures are as well as how skillfully a parent problem solves before going to the amusement park. "Rides at an amusement park put our bodies in an unnatural state because of what they do to our sense of balance and equilibrium, not to mention the fact that we are in the sun for a prolonged period of time and aren't drinking or eating normally, and maybe not taking seizure medications at the right time," Buelow said. "Therefore, it is up to the parents to try to maintain as normal a routine as possible for their child so as not to increase the likelihood of a seizure, as well as to exercise common sense when choosing rides for their child to go on." Vacationing at Theme Parks Experts advise parents planning a vacation to any of the theme parks, such as Disney World, to take into account all of the changes that occur in the child's routine. "When traveling to Disney, for example, kids become very excited and don't sleep. This sleep deprivation is a risk factor for seizures, so it is imperative that parents ensure there is some semblance of normal sleep patterns while on vacation," said Steven Weinstein, M.D., a professor of neurology and pediatrics at George Washington University and vice-chairman of neurology at Children's Hospital of D.C. Weinstein also recommends that parents investigate all of the shows and rides featured at the park and identify, prior to arriving, what is safe for their child to participate in. Some parks specifically post warnings near the entrances of rides excluding people with particular medical conditions, such as epilepsy, from taking part. "Before you go, make sure you walk through a scenario of each ride with your child," Buelow said in agreement with Weinstein. "It is important to give your child explanations to deal with the fact that they may not be able to go on rides other children can go on. Therefore, teach your child to say, 'I choose not to go on this ride because my safety is more important,' instead of 'I can't go on this ride because I have epilepsy.' Through these messages children with epilepsy can learn to feel more empowered and able to learn to make safe choices for themselves." Both Weinstein and Buelow also advise parents to make their first stop at the first-aid station upon entering the amusement park. They also recommend that if your child is being accompanied by someone other than you to make sure the caregiver familiarizes themselves not only with the first-aid staff members at the park, but also knows what to do in the event of a seizure. Disney Theme Parks "Unlike many smaller amusement parks, Disney theme park rides are adequately marked with signage indicating use of strobe lights, loud noise and other factors which may trigger seizures," said Deb Koma, senior editor of ALL EARS®, an unofficial weekly online magazine about Walt Disney World, and co-author of the book, PassPorter's Walt Disney World for Your Special Needs. Disney theme parks also have first-aid stations staffed by licensed healthcare professionals trained to deal with medical situations such as seizures. In addition, each first-aid station has private rooms which, according to Koma, is a nice amenity in the event a child has a seizure and needs a quiet place to recover. No one knows how well equipped Disney is to handle a seizure better than Amy Stoll. A native of Louisville, Kent., and a frequent visitor of Disney, Stoll recently returned from what some may consider a miserable trip to Disney. Halfway through enjoying the sights at Epcot theme park she had several tonic-clonic seizures. "I really have to commend the medical team at Disney, as well as the paramedics," Stoll said. "They were very sensitive to the fact that I had the right to say whether I wanted to go to the hospital, and they really handled my seizures as well as my own medical team would have." Having traveled alone to Disney she advises others with epilepsy traveling alone to stop by the first-aid station and inform the staff of how a seizure should be handled if it occurs. She also recommends people with epilepsy make sure to update their medical alert information prior to traveling. "It is so important to have all of your medication information and contact information updated, especially if you are traveling alone because you won't be able to communicate these things during a seizure and you won't have anyone else with you who knows the nature of your epilepsy," she said. Stoll's recent experience has not hindered her desire to return to Disney. She has learned very valuable lessons and said, lightheartedly, "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." She hopes others will heed her advice and plans to return to Disney within the next few months, wiser and seizure-free. If you or someone you know has epilepsy and are planning a trip to Disney, visit Stoll's website for other safety tips. Tips from the Experts Talk to your child's neurologist before going on an extended trip to an amusement park Update your child's medical alert bracelet information and make sure they are wearing it at all times If you are unsure of whether a ride is a potential safety risk, err on the side of caution and don't be afraid to ask a staff person if there are strobe lights or any other risk factor which may trigger a seizure Familiarize yourself with the location and medical staff at the first-aid station Explore in advance which rides are available at the park Talk to your child about making safe ride choices Take frequent breaks throughout the day Maintain same routine as at home in terms of medication administration, sleep schedule By Jenna Martin Special to EpilepsyUSA Posted: June 1, 2006

Re: Seizures and amusement parks????

Submitted by cedsmom on Wed, 2007-08-08 - 20:57
It could be worse My 10 year old also had a seizure at Epcot this past December and I say KUDOS to the Disney staff. They were awesome.

Re: Seizures and amusement parks????

Submitted by CrazyCurlsGal on Sat, 2007-08-11 - 14:04
I asked the same question to my son's doctor and she told me that he shouldn't go on any rides that jerk around to much or rides that he isnt incased in something (like the merry go round). We were told an adult needs to ride with him at all times incase he does have a seizure while on the rides. We found that alot of times there are signs posted stating people with epliepsy shouldnt ride these rides. Maybe check with the amusement partk ahead of time? Hope that helps some. CrazyCurlsGal... aka Lisa... aka Momma Mom to 4 yr old with Partial Complex Seizures

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