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Tue, 10/24/2006 - 16:37
do people not treat you equally because you have epilepsy? They don't treat me equally.


Re: Re: School

Submitted by aquila316 on Fri, 2006-12-29 - 09:27
I have had sz's all my life, and I know exactly what she's going through right now. I also stared into space, got visions, and I now have 4 different kinds. I know I was having them as far back as my memory will go, but after complaining to my pediatrician, was never sent for any testing. When I was finally diagnosed with petit and gran mal (absent and tonic-clonic now) at 13, and put on Depakote I was drowsy at school, and sick to my stomach, and that just made it worse. I was "the epileptic" at my school (I'm 33 now). All you can do is support her, and remind her that people who don't attempt to understand the condition aren't REAL's so hard to realize that at her age, too. My friends that I have now (I just moved 2 months ago) actually hate that I have E, and tell me how unfair life can be to good people. Bad things really do happen to good people. In the future it will make her a strong person, but it is so difficult to understand at her age. When I look back upon my childhood it filled with depression, loneliness, and sadness, but I would never trade places with anyone, because it has made me the person I am today. My mom, who is a registered nurse with 2 master's degrees, tells me I am more than my epilepsy, but it defines the person I am, because I am strong, and one day she will understand that as well. Good luck to you both, and she has plenty of understanding, and supporting people here. Susan

Re: Re: Re: School

Submitted by momofour on Fri, 2006-12-29 - 14:32
Thank you Susan!!...Very well said...I do believe my daughter will be stronger because of it...and your right, her TRUE friends are the only ones that matter...they dont care what she has or the 'weird' things she does...shes still the same person with the same heart. Jenn

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