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Petit Mal Epilepsy

Mon, 06/05/2006 - 11:19
Hi there i am now 16, and i have had petit mal epilepsy for 11 nearly 12 years. i find it quite hard to cope with especially the fact i wont be able to start driving in 4 months and many of my friends will. I dont really know how and why i got epilepsy but i have heard that if you have a high IQ it is more likely to affect you. is that true? Also if i want to try alternative treatments such as omega 3 tablets should i still take the medication i am on. I am currently taking Eplim and Ethosuximide which equals out as 7 tablets twice a day. so i was hoping to try and come off it because it is not working. Does anybody no any other forms of treatment that help such as acupuncture and if they do which are better for petit mal? please write back asap im getting desperate


Re: Petit Mal Epilepsy

Submitted by Volleyballgal70 on Wed, 2006-06-21 - 18:44
Hi Becki020!! I have petitmal seizures and have had them for almost 7 years and now I have been diagnosed with grand-mal seizures so I have had some expeirence with seizures . It is really hard to accept the fact that you have epilepsy, and you are restrained from things that not everybody is restrained from, like in your case driving. I cannot even be behind the wheel till I am 1 year seizure free, and I am taking it day by day. It has been extremely hard for me adjusting to the new meds that I have to take now because of my grand-mal seizures. There are no other soloutions, you can only prevent them by taking medication. You can treat yourself by maybe joining a support group for teens and maybe talk to other teens who are going through the same thing you are and maybe it will make you feel better knowing your not alone and your not the only one out there who has petitmal seizures. There are just 2 things to follow. 1. TAKE YOUR MEDS!! They really do help. 2. Stay Strong and believe in yourself that everything will be ok.(Don't worry you will be able to drive soon just be patient) If you ever need anyone to talk to im here! Stay Strong and I hope everything works out for you and you are able to drive SOON!!!! Sincerely, Volleyballgal70 P.S. Having a high IQ DOES NOT affect seizures or even trigger them. So don't worry.

Re: Petit Mal Epilepsy

Submitted by d00r on Fri, 2006-07-21 - 10:01
My daughter has petit mals as well. I have started her on the Omega 3 tablets (so far only 1 a day). They won't conflict with your medications as they are just essential oils which you would get from eating fish. Just don't take too many, just the recommended dose, as they could cause a problem of your body not absorbing other nutrients. Ask a Nutritionist. Also, sunflower seeds contain good oils as well. So you can snack on them too!

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