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I am Scared

Sun, 02/25/2007 - 14:35
I know I have just recently posted some questions. The only reason I am Posting another is because no one replied on my other one and I am hoping to get some help. I just moved away from home. From Nevada to Montana. I am 18 and I have been diagnosed with epilepsy for not quite a year. I have grand mal seizures but have not had one for 4 months. Lately I have been getting these jerks in my arm. They feel like a painful shock. i have these dark circles under my eys and I have been tired all the time. I am going to the doctor tomorrow but I came here to get some advice. I am scared about this whole thing. I have not dealt with this ever without my parents. I dont know if these jerks i am getting are apart of medicine or what. I dont know if its normal. I would rally appreciate some advice or maybe someone who has dealth with this before. anything would be appreciated


Re: I am Scared

Submitted by Sophs64833 on Sat, 2007-04-21 - 13:33
Hey, don't be scared okay? There's many understanding people around you can always go to for help. Yah, I get tired after a seizure all the time. But, it's ok after awhile. I got used to it after about 2 in a half - 3 years. I really think you should get a specialist to check out your arm jerkings. I'm not sure about if it's caused by the meds or not. But really, go see a specialist as soon as you can. Best of luck and God bless. ~Sophs

Re: I am Scared

Submitted by bubbles19 on Sun, 2007-04-22 - 16:26
I am only 11 but I have been getting tons of side effects that bug me a lot. I went to a couple of different doctors. I get tired a lot too. I can't walk a lot or else I get exhausted. I get suicidal thoughts, headaches, anxiety, and more annoying stuff. I am always scared like why did I do that or what does that mean? But my mom always tells me that the doctors will know if its safe for you and sometimes if it is, you have to deal with the side effects for a little while. I mean, I hope you dont have those jerks afterwards.

Re: I am Scared

Submitted by CG on Thu, 2007-04-26 - 22:22
Hi Staci, I was 18, away at university and undergoing Dilantin withdrawal, and my roommate did not know I had epilepsy - no one did. And there were no chat rooms, no internet, no e-mail, no support groups. Solis has some great advice. I used to get the tingling, jerking arm sensation first thing in the morning upon awakening. Listen to your body, it could be stress that is triggering it. Get to know your triggers. Once you go to the MD by yourself, to discuss your problem, you will probably feel less stressed. It is part of growing up. And please listen to Sol's advice.

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