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Hospital protocol for 5 year old grand mal seizure

Wed, 04/26/2017 - 21:56
My son had a grand mal seizure at preschool today. He's never had one before. He has brain abnormalities due to traumatic chikdbirth and we suspect possible spectrum disorder. My question is this. When I got to the school the paramedics had him strapped into the ambulance. He had passed out for 20 seconds then had a full body seizure that lasted for forty seconds. He was awake but lethargic and quiet when I got there. They told me he needed to go to the hospital, we went via ambulance. At the hospital I gave them his full neuro background and requested they ask for copies of his records from the children's hospital. Instead they monitored him for 45 minutes, gave him juice, and discharged him. They did no scans, no tests, nothing. Is this normal??


The ER is the place to go for

Submitted by just_joe on Thu, 2017-04-27 - 09:39
The ER is the place to go for many things. But many ER's do not have neurologists that specialize in epilepsy. Someone can have a one time seizure and never have another one. If you gave them the full neuro background then fine if they didn't use it that to can be fine since his seizure was over.He has brain abnormalities due to traumatic childbirth and we suspect possible spectrum disorder.  Not being a doctor I do not know everything in the spectrum disorder. I do know that a traumatic childbirth. They didn't know when the scar showed up either before or after birth was their determination. But that  was a test that was done in the 1960's. Doc did another test that was an MRI and he stated it was between the age of 6-8. So if he has a neurologist that specializes in epilepsy or one that the neurologists know then have them read the tests especially the one with abnormalities. My epilepsy is caused by scar tissue in the left lobes of my brain. Almost every hospital I have been to has a childrens hospital associated with it and yes they do a great job. My neurologist is contacted now and then and his 2 associates go to several here in Dallas.As Amy Jo stated there is no definitife test for epilepsy that is done in the ER rooms. He was awake but lethargic and quiet   <<He was because of the energy loss in a grand mal seizure.I hope this helps and he gets seizure freeJoe

Normal. The ER is only there

Submitted by mereloaded on Fri, 2017-04-28 - 19:11
Normal. The ER is only there to put stitches and casts, and stabilize patients. People with seizures are sent home because if the seizure stops, they are okay, so they are sent home. The only thing the ambulance and the ER can do for you is to bill your insurance fir a fancy ride and the most expensive juice you ever had.Truth: most Seizures are self resolving. So there is nothing the ER can do. They can only help you IF the seizure doesn't stop in which case they give Diastat  or Ativan and then put on observation. That is it. All they can do is to refer you to the neurologist that is seeing your child. He/she can help you, not the ER. FYI, seizures are not really emergencies. You don't know that, just like I didn't know when zip frantically dragged my child to the ER just to be told to wait behind the ear infection kids and hives kids. Then they let him sleep and told me to talk to his doctor. And called the next person. True story. Anywho, follow up with his neurologist. Given his brain abnormalities and medical history, his doctor knows exactly what to do. No, you don't need another scan to find the same brain abnirmalities you already know about. Those are likely the cause of your child's new symptoms, and sure they told you so at the ER,mos really nothing else can be found other than to tell his attending neurologist.ERs are only there to stabilize patients. People that suffer seizures stabilize themselves and no intervention is needed. You don't know that of course, but his doctor will tell you the whole spiel. 

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