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behavior specialist

Sat, 10/03/2009 - 18:48
As  I wrote in my blog, my daughter has absent seizures and she has started school.  The teacher has recommended a speech therapist which was no surprise. To my amazement she recommended a behavorial specialist. Now she is 5 and can be a little "WHINEY" (for lack of a better word) at times but I never thought she would behave like that at school.  She seems to always cry for everything and I was just wondering if this is a trait in children who have epilepsy or is my child just at the age where she is testing my patience and Patience is my friend at this point.


Re: behavior specialist

Submitted by Nerak95 on Sat, 2009-10-10 - 11:59

Before making a drastic change like taking her off Keppra, you might want to add some B6.  Keppra is notorious for causing behavioral problems in some individuals and clinical studies have shown that B6 has been effective. 

If Keppra has been helping to control the seizure activity, I'd ask the neuro if you can try B6 first.  She should be aware of the clinical studies on this and if not should consult her colleagues.  I'd hate to see you rock the boat when there can be a simple solution to your problem.


Before making a drastic change like taking her off Keppra, you might want to add some B6.  Keppra is notorious for causing behavioral problems in some individuals and clinical studies have shown that B6 has been effective. 

If Keppra has been helping to control the seizure activity, I'd ask the neuro if you can try B6 first.  She should be aware of the clinical studies on this and if not should consult her colleagues.  I'd hate to see you rock the boat when there can be a simple solution to your problem.


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