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Anger/Rage issues with 8 year old on Keppra...I need help.

Sat, 09/11/2010 - 22:27
I have been learning so much by reading all of your posts, I am hoping that someone could offer some advice. My 8 year old daughter has been having grand mal ( tonic clonic ) seizures since Jan. 2010. She has not been diagnosed with anything yet, but was put on Keppra in July. She has become completely irrational, extremely emotional, and basically experiences what I will call rage episodes, mostly at things that would not have bothered her since. Her Dr is now switiching her to Topomax, she is still taking Keppra and will begin to wean off of it soon. In the meantime, I do not have the tools to calm her down when she gets so angry. She also becomes very frightened, and has what I assume are panic attacks. I feel so badly for her, and helpless at the same time because nothing that I say to her or do for her can change these extreme moods. Anyone else experience this ? Can anyone offer some advice for me ? Thanks so much !


Re: Anger/Rage issues with 8 year old on Keppra...I need help.

Submitted by lonefather on Mon, 2010-09-13 - 03:36
From what I've lerned, she has to have seizure while connected to e.e.g. or results will be normal. My son was on his 5th 24hour test. I requested he stay untill he had one. 64hours later he did. After 2 & 1/2 years of testing we had answers!

Re: Anger/Rage issues with 8 year old on Keppra...I need help.

Submitted by lonefather on Sun, 2010-09-12 - 09:51

Staying calm & collected is very hard to do when your heart is breaking. Singing is the only thing that calms my son. It calms me. Feer & frustration create panic. I pray you can find what works for her.

Staying calm & collected is very hard to do when your heart is breaking. Singing is the only thing that calms my son. It calms me. Feer & frustration create panic. I pray you can find what works for her.

Re: Anger/Rage issues with 8 year old on Keppra...I need help.

Submitted by wyboemail on Mon, 2010-09-13 - 10:27

What worked for my son was a vitamin B 100 vitamin. It helped with the side effects of the keppra and some of the anxiety and panic issues that come with E itself. We used Trader Joes brand vitamion B 100. There are so many artificial color and flavors in vitamins you buy in "normal" stores we chose the natural ones. Colors and flavors have been proven to induce seizures and tics.

He takes Nordic Naturals omaega 3-6-9 fish oil as well. Happy to say he has been seizure free since Janaury of 2009 and been of the keppra since February of 2010.



What worked for my son was a vitamin B 100 vitamin. It helped with the side effects of the keppra and some of the anxiety and panic issues that come with E itself. We used Trader Joes brand vitamion B 100. There are so many artificial color and flavors in vitamins you buy in "normal" stores we chose the natural ones. Colors and flavors have been proven to induce seizures and tics.

He takes Nordic Naturals omaega 3-6-9 fish oil as well. Happy to say he has been seizure free since Janaury of 2009 and been of the keppra since February of 2010.



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