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You Will Love This

Fri, 04/21/2006 - 10:59
My mother and I went out to lunch Thursday. I went to pay and there was an elderly couple in front of me. The elderly man had a walker with wheels and his wife had a walking cane. I stood holding both doors open for them. I noticed how the elderly man could barely move his legs and feet. I told this to my mother, so we got to wondering who was going to drive their car. My bet was on the husband. We waited and sure enough the husband who could barely move his leg and fit was the driver. IF AM LYING I AM DYING. I want people to explain how this man's driving is safer than a person with epilepsy. How can me having Nocturnal Epilepsy not be as safe as this elderly man. I have not had a seizure while awake for 5 years, my seizures all occur while asleep. I am applying for a driver's license, why should my chance have to go before a medical board and this elderly man is driving. I feel those who tell they have epilepsy should have just as easy a chance as others. I haven't driven since 1984. The only reason I am applying for a driver's license now is due to the fact I now have nocturnal seizures.


My 2 cents Ok, Now I have to

Submitted by aquila316 on Sat, 2006-04-22 - 06:20
My 2 cents Ok, Now I have to put in my two cents, he he he. I have a live-in boyfriend (I'm moving out, but that's a whole different story) who has a severe drinking problem and 2 prior DUI's. He was found in my front yard-passed out-by the county fire department. When the sherriff dept. showed up for the call he was so intoxicated he couldn't stand up. My point?? HE DROVE HOME THAT WAY!! When the cops got here his keys were in the ignition, the door was open, the door chime was dinging like crazy, and the engine was still warm. How could they not know he was driving (and I have a degree in crim. justice so I do know proving it is another story but in Florida cops arrest people all the time even if there is no case). Anyway, I was just pondering why it is so much more dangerous for us to drive?!! If it would have been me in the front yard, unconcious, I would have gotten a letter from the state asking me to surrender my license. I take the bus every day, and if I was having T. Lobe sz's I wouldn't drive on that particular day. Oh, to be able to take the bus once or twice a week and not every day!! Good luck everyone, Susan

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