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Work Pace

Tue, 09/19/2006 - 19:26
Hi to everyone. Do any of you have trouble performing various tasks at a fast pace? I have always been slower at performing tasks and find it difficult when I try to do them at a fast pace. I was recently diagnosed with complex partial seizures. However, I was like this long before experiencing seizures. It is not that I cannot perform the tasks, it just the pace at which I am able to do them. I tend to get very confused when I do try to do them quickly. I thought I had read that the brains of people with epilepsy could not process incoming information as quickly as others. Have any of you read similar information? I wanted to know if this was a symptom of epilepsy or if this was common in healthy people, too. Thanks for your input. tlh64


Re: Work Pace

Submitted by fzMousie on Tue, 2006-09-19 - 20:35
yes, yes, yes!!! I used to be a fantastic multitasker. I still am, I guess, it's just that I can only multi one task at a time ;) My brain tends to get backlogged.

Re: Re: Work Pace

Submitted by seattlecarol on Tue, 2006-09-19 - 21:47
I'm constantly badgering my neuro about this. I have a technical job and struggle with this very thing. It is becoming apparent that if there has been a lot of sz activity in the recent past I am going to struggle cognitively at work. Also, if my meds have been increased along with the sz's it's that much worse for awhile. I know the "backlog fog" well. "1+1= I'll get back to you in a minute on that...." On the other hand, if my brain has been calm and sz free I notice that I'm able to enjoy some of the old success on the job. So, I don't feel like we are 'brain damaged' in any way. I live for these days.

Re: Re: Re: Work Pace

Submitted by fzMousie on Wed, 2006-09-20 - 14:27
Me too. As it stands, I'm contemplating a meeting with my boss and his boss to sit down with them and say "Look, I know I can do this, but clearly this isn't working. There are 2 1/2 months left in my contract, what do you propose?" The thing is, in order to do that, I need to be ready for the possibility of having my contract pulled to an early close so they can bring someone else in really short term to fill for me.

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