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Where did I leave my memory?

Sun, 01/14/2007 - 06:48
Ok ... I've noticed a few weird things latley. For example: My boyfriend and I will be watching telly, when he gets up during the add breaks he asks me to call out to him when the show starts again. I always COMPLETLY forget. And I will happily sit there watching the show with out him. I have noticed something strange with my typing as well. I touch type, but I have started replacing words with new ones. I might be meaning to write 'chilling' but I write 'killing'. I have completly stopped using 'you're' everything is now 'your'. Will also do things like 'were' instead of 'where'. Subtle, but I find strange cause they aren't typos. I'm changing words around. I keep on misplacing things aswell. I'm wondering how often normal (ha ha) people would mis place things in their home? These are all little things, but I wonder if it is associated with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy? Ta.


I have left posterial

Submitted by 2bfree on Sat, 2007-02-10 - 04:34
I have left posterial temporal lobe partial complex seizures. And yes I know that I spelled the p word wrong but there is no spell check on here & perhaps someone should sugget that for all of us that seem to be having memory problems. Spelling was always my strong point now when my husband asks me I have to scribble on paper & I might get it right(might). I have no short term memory,I have speach problems, I constantly say the wrong word (usually @ a very embarassing time), I have difficulty with word finding, and recently I seem to have become dyslexic when typing or writing??The failed memory I blame on years of benzodiazoines (valium, xanax, clonazopin/klonopin ect...)they are amnesices and they do their job well. The speach & word problems, or lack or finding the right word Ithink my be part of the seizure process but I don't know for sure (but I had the problems before I took medication. The dyslexia thing is slowly driving me mad...It takes so long to type anything because I usually don't catch it the first time I reread it and I think it has to do with the Topamax only because I never had it before then. I couldn't even begin to tell you off all the things that I have lost or all the wasted time I have spent trying to find them. The worst of all is when I put something somewhere special where I won't forget "it" then guess what happens when I need "it"... Exactly I forgot where I put it and I spend days (weeks)searching for "it". Thankfully I put it where I'd remember or it would be lost. :-)

Re: I have left posterial

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2007-02-10 - 10:46
This is a great thread! Cognitive difficulties, or problems thinking, talking, reading, remembering can be from side effects of meds, effects of seizures on the brain, symptoms of seizures, or due to the underying cause of the seizures! or maybe just to how a person's brain developed... Tracking what is happening, how often, any patterns of when occurs or how long they last can help sort out possible causes. Neuropsychology testing can help look at possible causes, as well as identify what is going on and a person's strengths as well as problem areas. I think that this testing can also help people learn ways to compensate for the problems. Take a look at the information section... here's a link to browse around at.. Sol - I think you had it up here already but I'll repeat it.


Where a person's seizures come from may have a lot to do with the type of difficulties people have - talk to the doctor about what they mean in your situation. For example, left side of the brain is most often involved in language so language based problems, are not unusual.

I like the idea of putting spell check on the site. I have no idea if possible, but I'll forward it along!

Take care,



Where a person's seizures come from may have a lot to do with the type of difficulties people have - talk to the doctor about what they mean in your situation. For example, left side of the brain is most often involved in language so language based problems, are not unusual.

I like the idea of putting spell check on the site. I have no idea if possible, but I'll forward it along!

Take care,


Re: Re: I have left posterial

Submitted by Bedge on Sun, 2007-02-11 - 19:47
That's really interesting about the B12 deficancy. We I had my tonic colonic (which I keep being told was a faint) my B12 came back really low. That was last year, have been taking suppliments and its back to normal. Last week I had a 24 hour urine collection done, my Magnesium levels where almost none exsistant. Normal levels are 6.0(low) - 9.0 (high) mmol. Mine where 2.9. And I was taking magnesium suppliments at the time. BUT .. my Dr says, 'Stress can lower your Mag levels'. *no comment* 'It's not one thing or another, you have to see a shrink'. *no comment* It was barly considered that Mag levels might be doing this to me. They still all go with the 'anxiety' route. It is driving me nuts. The only anxiety I have is in response to all this idiotic stuff! Hooo hummm. ------------------------------ Peace, Love, Mung Beans

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