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What is an aura?

Fri, 10/05/2007 - 21:53
Can anyone tell me what exactly an aura is? I've had epilepsy since I was 5 and all I have been able to explain to the many neurologists I've seen when they ask if I have any "auras" are what I call "seizures to get rid of". I know that sounds funny, but the only way to describe them is that they're like a seizure only 1/2 second and just interupts my vision like a camera flash. This can happen up to three days before an actual seizure or sometimes I have a full seizure without any warning. I have never had any weird smells or feelings if that's even what an aura is. If someone has any feedback so I could tell my new neurologist, that would be great.


Re: Hi... As everyone else said,

Submitted by kcharb on Mon, 2007-10-08 - 16:30
The feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, I've had that before also...once in a blue moon it seems and this overwhelming feeling of fear comes over me even though nothing has "scared" me. Before I didn't know what that was until someone I worked with mentioned it who also had E. I didn't realize there could be so many different auras or warnings for a seizure. It's rather frustrating figuring this out and then trying to explain it to the doctor when they really don't know exactly what your talking about. Thanks so much for all the input so far. It's actually helped alot.

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