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Start Driving Again

Thu, 05/11/2006 - 15:30
I discussed this with my parents and neurologist and they feel my driving will be safe for the public. I want to apply for a drivers license because my mother has scoliosis, and stenosis. She has also had four major back surgeries that have not helped her. She must deal with pain all day and all night. I simply want to run errands for her so she can do what she enjoys most and that is gardening. This will not take away pain and by days end the pain will be more severe, but gardening will take her mind off of it. I took all legal steps first. I was finally able to find the last seizure I had while awake and that was September 2, 1999. My neurologist supplied his write up and the date of my last seizure while awake to the Department of Public Safety. The Medical Unit Drivers License Division found everything acceptable. My neurologist must supply them a report every six months. I do not plan on driving when or if I know I had seizures the night before. I had three seizures last night so if I had my license I would not drive today. I would want to be more alert. I hope more Nocturnal Epileptics are able to drive.


Re: Re: Re: Start Driving Again

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Fri, 2006-05-12 - 21:36
No one was trying to hurt or offend you. Rather, the two who posted back to you were very supportive and merely told you of their experience. Different states have different laws, it would be better to approach those who live within your state (or another state with the same law). My own experience, I lived in Ca when I was diagnosed after a nocturnal seizure sent me to ER. My doc told me less than a week later that I needed to stop driving immediately, that she'd be contacting DMV. At that point, I was only having sz's nocturnally, but I still lost my license and I didn't get it back for over 2 years. That was my of luck to you! Heather

Re: Re: Re: Re: Start Driving Again

Submitted by E_Loner on Sat, 2006-05-13 - 10:25
mommy2kyra, seizuregirl showed her support in an odd way. Where was seizuregirl's experience stated? I forgot that people are no longer allowed to take comments just the way they are presented. Oh, heaven forbid people defend themselves. Please correct me if I misunderstood the next sentence in your paragraph. When I start a new thread I am suppose to specify it is is for only those who live in the same state as I or I am suppose to know each state's law on epilepsy and driving and then let those know who read my knew thread that it is for only certain states. Glad you got your license back after only 2 years. I have not had a license for 22 years and the ONLY reason I am applying is the fact I have been having nocturnal seizures for 5 years. Thank you for your luck! E_Loner

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