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staring off into space

Sat, 02/03/2007 - 15:36
anyone ever get the experience where you just start staring off into space, and then someone notices and asks you what you are looking at, and you hear them asking... and it is hard to stop staring but you probably could stop it if you really had to? and then afterwards after your done staring, you dont remember ALL of the details of what they were saying. you can remember the subject matter but the details get lost. staring off into space happens to everyday people who are just "resting their eyes" as my mother used to say. 1. how do you know if it's just resting your eyes or some kind of small seizure? 2. i thought that seizures where you stare, are only seizures if you have no recall or aren't even aware you "left" for a minute? can you have a staring spell where consciousness is just altered but not completely lost?


I am not actually aware I'm

Submitted by SooPer on Sat, 2017-05-20 - 11:09
I am not actually aware I'm staring blankly every time it happens. Though I am awake, but I do know I'm in 'it' until someone else or I snap myself out of it.

My friends think that I have

Submitted by Nahum on Mon, 2018-07-02 - 18:42
My friends think that I have some form of depression, as I slip off into these long lapses where I stare at nothing and everyone talking is like an echo. They make jokes and I laugh along but is this serious, could it be a form of absence seizure. Many thanks...

This is almost exactly what I

Submitted by Nahum on Mon, 2018-07-02 - 18:48
This is almost exactly what I experience, i slip into a glazed over state where I just stare at things and note things about them and it eventually throws me intona loop of things that are only very tenuously linked. It has started to worry me as I cannot explain it to my friends, I've been saying I'm either "just tired" or "thinking" but they are getting suspicious and I worry if I tell them it will just make things worse. I like things the way they are now.

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