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Someone answer my question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!

Thu, 07/19/2007 - 14:52
my seisures started when ı was 19 i had memory loss and i kept on asking my friends who i was and where i was so i was sent to england where i was born (ı am from cyprus)The doctor there told me without EEGs to take 200mg of tegretol CR i continued to take them until i was 24 ! Then i went to turkey and a a norologist saw me.He tested many times on me in the end he told me to take (THOUGH HE SAİD İ HAD MİLD EPİLEPSY) 500mg DEPAKİN cHRONO BT one and a half in the mornıgs and one and a half at night! 1 tekgretol in the morning and one tegretol at nıght!...And 100mg of maliasin in the mornigs and night......İN TOTAL 2100MG i take a day!...nOW i am 32 years old and have been takıng this for since i was 24!.......İ feel its too much medication for a person !İs this too much medication for a person and how much mg s a day do u guys take? Just want to know out of curiousity! thx for readıng my post!


Re: Someone answer my question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!

Submitted by GodivaGirl on Thu, 2007-07-19 - 19:32
See "new to epilepsy side" think I answered this over there...

Re: Someone answer my question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!

Submitted by quirky on Fri, 2007-07-20 - 09:02
Hi, I take 1200mg of tegretol retard per day and 200mg of topamax per day now. However, I used to take the following per day: Tegretol retard 1200mg Keppra 3000mg Frisium 10mg Lamictal 300mg All in one day! but not anymore. I was not happy with being on 4 meds and I did not like lamictal either. So I change doctor a couple of years ago, and now I'm on 2 meds instead that suit me better. Really it just depends on what your own body needs. Some people have to take more than others but personally I think 3 types of meds should be the limit for any person. Really depends on your situation, how often you have seizures, if any of the meds you are taking are working for you or not.

Re: Someone answer my question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!

Submitted by re8919p on Sat, 2007-07-21 - 14:27
I take 300 mg of Lamictal daily. It is suppose to help with depression too.

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