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Some Advice

Mon, 09/04/2006 - 23:59
well i just had another grand mal seizure during my gym class. it was realy embarrasing and half the boys just laughed at me...i dont know what to think anymore. the ambulance had to come because they think i had hur my head or neck.. so that just made everything worse. i also just had my appendix removed this weekend. so now everyone just says to me somethings always wrong with you or your always in the hospital. and i cant help it ..i feel like a helpless little kid. i cant stand it anymore and i am really getting tired of this. i came on this to maybe get some advice on how to handle this or just someone who understands this. because honestly i cant handle it anymore and i dont want to do this anymore


Re: Staci I was in your exact

Submitted by Staci17 on Tue, 2006-09-05 - 14:32
thanks for all the advice and words to help me. i really like this site and all the things it helps with. i know things will get better i just get pretty upset sometimes. i know comeing to this place people do understand and i am not the only person in the world with this problem. again thank you very much for everything and i appreciate it all...

Re: Some Advice

Submitted by Bloodyrose on Tue, 2006-09-05 - 16:18
Awww hon, that couldn't have been fun. I completely understand. I had a TCS (Grand Mal) on a school trip to Euro Disney when I was sixteen, loss of bladder control, the full works, and woke up to find myself laid out on the back seat of the coach, getting evil looks from the people who had wanted to sit there. LOL. Hold your head up high, doll. This isn't something you can control. The next time they laugh at you tell them you're in good company - some of the most intelligent people in our history had epilepsy. Maybe that will shut them up! xoxox

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