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Skull Shivers

Tue, 11/21/2006 - 06:59
Do you guys ever feel like your skin on your head or your actual skull is shivering or crawling? Was wondering if this is a E thing or a normal thing? Bege - Mungo-Beanossss!


1.  You get a sudden “feeling

Submitted by e0171988 on Mon, 2019-07-22 - 02:05
1.  You get a sudden “feeling” you aren’t alone.  The fact is, we are beings of energy and energy can detect other energy.  When you get a sudden “feeling” about something, you are tapping into another’s energy field!2.  A sudden drop in temperature with no logical explanation. You are in a room that’s comfortably warm, and then suddenly it’s not.  No one really knows why there is a drop in temperature when spirits are around.  It doesn’t always happen.  Mediums can give readings without this phenomena occurring.  My theory on that is that the spirit the medium is communicating with is not actually there in the room, the medium is working on another plane and pulling the communications into this one.   Some think that a spirit entity has to draw on energy to manifest into our physical world.  But I’m wondering if it might be something else causing the flux in energy that occurs when spirit activity is strong.  Our spiritual form is energy that is not bogged down with the lower vibration (slower energy) of physical matter (our bodies).  Our spiritual form is energy at a higher rate of movement (which is why we can’t see them…the faster something moves, the least capable we are of seeing it).  If an energy form is nearby that is moving at such a high rate of speed, would it not draw lower forms of energy to it?  Heat for example.  Just a theory but sounds logical to me!3.  A cold spot in a room that isn’t anywhere near a window, door or other opening and cannot be explained away because a fan is nearby or whatever.  The cold spot is concentrated and usually has warm air around it.  I’m not sure why entities create cold spots instead of temperature drops in the entire area but it happens.  It might be that they are concentrating their energy, keeping it close.  I think it’s possible when they are in this “tight” form of energy, that’s when orbs can be caught on film.  Lots of people like to dismiss orbs as having nothing to do with spirits but, again, this is an area that cannot be definitely defined (not yet anyway) so it’s all a matter of faith and belief.4. The little hairs on the back of your neck seem to stand on end.  All the nerves in the body pass through the spine and the most sensitive area along the spine is the neck, where all the nerves come together going to and coming from the brain.  Our ethereal body is connected to our physical body and the physical reactions we get concerning spiritual matters is coming from the ethereal body (which is where our soul presides).5.  Goosebumps break out on your arms for no apparent reason.  This goes along with the above result.6.  Light bulbs blow often.  Haunted houses go through a lot of light bulbs!  I think it’s the energy draw that the spirits create and it simply overpowers the fragile structure of the light bulb’s light mechanism.  The least little power flux can blow a light bulb.7.  Electrical stuff goes haywire. For the same reasons as the light bulbs blowing.  Energy affects energy and active spirits really cause a great stir in the energy field.8.  Your dog starts following something around the room with its eyes.  It might even growl low in its throat or start whining.  Their eyes and ears can see and detect things that our eyes and ears cannot.9.  Your cat  scatters for cover, hunches its back, hisses at nothing, growls low in its throat.  Cats are in the same category as dogs though they are a lot more skittish about it.10.  You hear a knock or several.  Knocking seems to be a relatively common form of communication with spirits.  They are, after all, trying to get your attention!11.  You think you hear someone call your name.  If a spirit concentrates on us, eventually we’ll pick it up if we are in a quiet, receptive frame of mind.12.  A sudden smell assaults your nose…good or bad.  Now on this one, I have no clue why we can detect odors.  But it is a common occurrence.  Often, if the spirit is a negative one, the smell is bad.  The good smells are usually smells that you associate with the spirit.  For instance, let’s say one of your loved ones who has passed on used to smoke Cherry tobacco in his pipe, if he were around, you might get the smell of cherry tobacco.There are other things that might occur but these are the most common.  If you know of any, share them!  Have you experienced any of these?  It’s all pretty fascinating, really.  I love it that death isn’t the end and that communication can still occur with loved ones who have passed on.  What a mysterious world we live in.  Blessings to all and Peace out!And now I’ll include a shameless plug for my books! (smile) I put it here at the end so you don’t have to bother with it if you don’t want to!! I’ve published five books so far. All of them are fictional but contain information I’ve learned over the years. I drew from my own experiences in some instances and use the knowledge I’ve gained to help my characters deal with spirit activity. The first four books are a series though all ar

The brain shivers that start

Submitted by Mirinda on Tue, 2019-10-29 - 11:58
The brain shivers that start on my left side and sometimes cause gooseflesh are distinct from those "brain shocks" that are caused by withdrawals from SSRIs and meds like Gabapentin/Neurontin.

Re: Skull Shivers

Submitted by Gina Marie on Thu, 2006-11-23 - 20:14
Brain shivers. That's what I call them. They usually aren't a sign of good things for me. I don't know if they're an E thing or not, most of the people I know who have them are Bipolar, so maybe it's just a sign that our brains are overacting again.

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