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Seizure recovery time

Sun, 08/24/2008 - 06:12

How long do you take to recover from a seizure? 

I have suffered from epilepsy (grand mal) for 40 years - about 1 seizure a year (lucky me!) But over the last 3 years my wonderful work colleagues have expressed increasing anxiety that I'm coming back to work too early following a seizure. When I was young and sprightly (Ha!), I'd have a 3-minute tonic-clonic seizure, regain full consciousness after half an hour, get taken home, sleep it off, and back to work after 1 day's absence. Again - lucky me.

My work is extremely complex, considerative and quasi-judicial. I work for my government trying to justify to tribunals and criminal courts why a particular decision is justified. The legislation involved is extremely complicated, but although I practice law in a specialised field I am not a qualified lawyer. Without blowing my own trumpet I'm very good at my job - or so I'm told. [I don't like saying so, but I think it may be relevant to the question.]

Two years ago my wife finally convinced me that at least one day off was a must. Nevertheless, my colleagues tell me that "when you have had a fit, for several days after, your sharp brain seems slow in response."

I'd be very grateful to hear the views of fellow sufferers (or those close to them). I know that epilepsy varies from individual to individual, but when do you go back to work? When do you feel fully recovered? Does the recovery period increase with age?

Thanks for reading this.

Iain (aged 53 and a bit - <GRIN>)


Well I am 36 and just had my

Submitted by Andre1982 on Fri, 2018-06-01 - 23:37
Well I am 36 and just had my first siezure at the gym. And my recovery is slow. I am currently trying to curb this ridiculous cravings from the meds. And I'm not going to lie I can feel some difference. I have a doctor's appointment and hope to get a handle on this new life I'm going to live.

I have been beating myself up

Submitted by Mammaw55 on Sat, 2018-09-08 - 09:28
I have been beating myself up because it has been a week since my last seizure and I am still struggling. I think the older I get the longer it takes to get back to normal.

Thank you.. I've been all

Submitted by YetiBigfoot on Sat, 2018-11-24 - 22:21
Thank you.. I've been all over the internet trying to find something to answer me and I find someone=) the past year my seizures have been getting out of control.  This last one was 20 days ago.  I had to go to the hospital by ambulance and my heart stopped on the way.  I was put in the hospital for 3 days.  I have no memory of any of it.  But now not only is the memory bad but several times a day I'm having vision issues.  I've been throwing up every time I try to eat.  There are times people are talking to me but I don't understand a word.  They could be speaking another language.  There's times muy face starts twitching or I can't stop looking straight ahead or remember where I am.  I see family and I know that I know them but it takes me a bit.  I haven't told my family because I don't want them to worry.  My language too... any of this happen to you? I'm really freaking out. 

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