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"Seizure Potential"

Wed, 03/14/2007 - 05:49
I was told my EEG showed "seizure potential" to which I responded "Doesn't everyone have seizaure potential"? My thinking was, if you have a brain, you have the potential for anything to be wrong with it...that doesn't mean there's something wrong though. I was referred to him for the smells and other symptoms that let me know I was experiencing things that could not possibly be real, but the felt real. Anyhow, he answered "No". Has anyone else heard this term used? My MRI was normal. It was the EEG that was screwed up.


Re: Re: Re: Re: "Seizure Potential"

Submitted by islandfever on Thu, 2007-03-15 - 13:27
What happened next? Were you put on meds and then lived happily ever after without any more seizures? "I just want to live happily ever after every now and then." Jimmy Buffett

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "Seizure Potential"

Submitted by heathersmithers on Thu, 2007-03-15 - 18:13
Hi ... I will jump on here,,,I have in the last 5 years now,,, had aprox.. 8 eegs.. all of which were normal,, one sleep eeg which showed definate seziure activety... 4 MRI's now... damn i hate those Two of the mris were for the epilepsly neuro and they were both adnormal but not with a cause for epilepsly,,, one was for a shoulder and the last one was for my new MS neuro.. The CAT scan i had somewhere in that mix aslo showed nothing postive for the epilepsly but did distingush either a mild stroke or a MS attack..... That all being said,,, for the epilepsly i take 300mg of topamax and 1200mg of carbamazipine,, with a script of ativian in case i have more than 2-3 seziures in a row,,, I would love to tell you that they put you on meds and you live happiley ever after... but i think alot of it depends on how you look upon your life and how you let your epilepsly limit you personally. I am still experiencing seziures,,, large and small,, and aura's... yep it is a pain... But i do not live my life around them... at times the 4 hour naps are a pain in the butt i must admitt... I know that in certain areas of my life i do have limitations,,, i dont swim alone anymore for example... but on the upside i no longer have to have my husband sit in the bathroom while i have a shower.. ahhh privacey at last....grin Come June,, me ,, my cane,, my personal little pharmacey will be gone to the cottage for the last week of opening season of pickeral season...grin... And my one goal for this year is to find a company who will let me sign a waiver to go white water rafting... So you see i think the "happily ever after" is actually how we precieve it and how much we are willing to make of it.. living in constant fear is not a choice for me.. i was not willing to give up my life for that... I wish you well Heather

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "Seizure Potential"

Submitted by islandfever on Fri, 2007-03-16 - 08:49
The more I read, the better I feel about all of this. I'm getting a really quick education. I'm going to read more and more. The problem is, as a rule, I have to read everything more than once or twice (which is frustrating because I used to be an excellent student). But, anyhow, I'm learning that things could be much, much worse and I need to count my blessings and learn some "tricks of the trade" like making lists, setting alarms, etc. I thank everyone who is helping to educate me. I'm just kinda' freaked because this was so unexpected. Thanks and blessings to all. "I just want to live happily ever after every now and then." Jimmy Buffett

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