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Seizure free?

Sat, 10/21/2006 - 22:56
My story; Had my first recognized partial in oct 04. I knew from the first second it was a seizure from the burnt toast smell. After a year of having these and getting normal EEG's Ct scans and MRI's I had a grand mal while sleeping. I was put on 400mg of tegretol XR twice daily since oct 05. Since then i have not had any grand mals or any simple partials like i had preceeding the GM. However i have been having what i believe to be "minor" simple partials. I call them minor because i dont get spacey, smell burnt toast or get very tired like i used to. I always wonder if they even are seizures at all. My doctor and neuro say dont worry about them get on with your life. My question is when somebody is considered seizure free is it only including obvious ones like Grand mals/serious partials or does it include every possible symptom pointing to a seizure? Thanks


Re: Re: Seizure free?

Submitted by angel_lts on Fri, 2006-10-27 - 09:47
Chris, Even though a person can be seizure free, there can be a number of issues that can bring on a seizure. Even when a doctor tells them they are seizure free, they grew out of it, they have surgery, hormones, stress, ... can bring on anything in ones life. I have learned in the past, not my a book, not by a web site, not by a doctor, just my own, my sisters, and friends person experiences, anything can change anything is possible. take care Lisa

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