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Seizure aura

Wed, 04/19/2017 - 20:52
Does anybody out there have aura all of the time.. that doesn't progress to a full seizure?


If my quality of aura were

Submitted by Tadzio on Fri, 2017-04-21 - 18:25
If my quality of aura were the same as those with my epileptic seizures, and be a sign of an epileptic seizure and lasting more than minutes, I would tend to call it aura continua (mine are definitely limbic at the start);   a book I still can’t afford is “Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus”  by Kaplan & Drislane (2008), which a preview at Amazon or books-dot-google with the word search of aura cites many sources in the book.  If my aura seem non-epileptic and long lasting (hours to days), I call mine aura of migraine without pain (migraine aura triggered by ambient strong perfume at a doctor’s office even once led a  doctor to call an ambulance to take me to ER, which I refused because it was only a typical longer aura of migraine for me, and I had to argue to be allowed to escape the continually triggering ambience of the smell).

I have been having auras for

Submitted by Scostigan on Mon, 2017-04-24 - 11:07
I have been having auras for about 5 years now. Mine are waves of Deja vu. They can get pretty powerful, sometimes taking my vision from me and causing me to throw up, but in 5 years I've only had 3 grand Mal's. I find if I lay down completely flat it will pass with little to no incedent what so ever, but I have to lay down immediately, and it helps if someone holds my hand because I feel like it keeps me from slipping to far away.  Hope that helps somehow. 

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