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Scared to Quit Smoking

Sat, 09/13/2008 - 19:13

Here's the deal.

 I'm a 22 year old male. I had my first seizure last year when I was 21. I smoked around 7-10 cigarettes a day during college. I went on the patch to quit and completely ceased cigarettes...3-4 days later I had a tonic clonic seizure, and subsequently lost my license for 6 months. After that I was put on topamax. Doctors said that the patch couldn't have caused it but I'm not so sure. After that I (stupidly) started smoking again.

 After around 11 months, I decided that topamax was driving me crazy. Went to my specialist, who said that I should switch to Keppra. I did and it was okay, although I had a crazy heart beat (rushing feeling). After a few weeks, I quit smoking again..this time cold turkey. A few days later I had another rushing feeling in my heart and ended up in the ER. They switched me off Keppra and put me back on Topamax (didn't gradually do it). 2 days later I had 2 seizures in a row, and lost my license for 6 more months. I was put on depakote. The depakote made me gain large amounts of weight (25 lbs in 5 months). I stupidly started smoking again after this time too...what with college graduation, finals, and moving to a new city.

 I know I need to quit smoking, but as we can see the common factor here is smoking. I know I need to deal with stress and sleep (as those are probably big factors), but I use cigarettes as a crutch.

 *note- please don't lecture me about smoking-I went to a very prestigous university, have never smoked anything illegal, and am gainfully employed- ie...I'm not stupid)

 I really dont know what I'm reaching for here, except I'm scared it's going to happen again if I quit. I can't afford to lose my license for another 6 months, as I am now alone (not even a roommate) in a big city that basically requires a car. It has poor public transportation and is very spread out. 

 What should I do? Between the weight gain (quitting will make me gain even more wait and I can barely fit into my clothes now), and fear of everything that comes with having a seizure I'm not sure if it's worth it...but then again, I know later down the road it will be worse for me to have been smoking.





Fear is only in our head. Do

Submitted by charletroots on Mon, 2019-03-25 - 06:18
Fear is only in our head. Do not forget about it. All habits are formed in the brain, not in the body. Fighting must begin with consciousness. Just make a decision once and never leave it. Look for alternatives for the first time, for example buy a vape 

I’m on google looking for a

Submitted by Leah80 on Sat, 2019-10-26 - 23:53
I’m on google looking for a connection between quitting smoking and seizures. I was seizure free for 7 years. I was on my 4th day of not smoking and had seizures and went to hospital for the night. I’m sure it was related to the stress I was feeling as well. ive quit smoking before without a breakthrough seizure...but stress is definitely a trigger. So if you want to quit a stress free environment is the key (not like that in my house ) Sorry to hear that you’re struggling, sucks not being able to drive. Good luck With quitting  ❤️

Is a nicotine patch safe

Submitted by Peter Boyd on Tue, 2019-12-17 - 19:35
Is a nicotine patch safe while taking kepra ?

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