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Rhode Island- Driving

Thu, 07/06/2017 - 17:34
Hi all. I'm a 21 year old college student, male, I had my first seizure back in February. It was a grand mal seizure and due to an abnormal EEG, the neuro diagnosed me with epilepsy. I got second opinions to confirm his diagnosis. Since then, I've had one alcohol induced seizure two months after my first (which is clearly my own fault), and it reset my clock. All of the doctors I have brought my case up to have said that my case is mild. I am currently taking depakote, 2g/day, and haven't had any seizures since that last one. As a college student who works nearly full time and needs to get around, it's extremely difficult to rely on my parents, who are in a messy situation themselves. I am aware that there are no laws in RI saying I have to wait 18 months to drive, but rather a recommendation. My doctor had given me the verbal okay saying that he believes I am safe enough to drive but will not write me a note saying that he said that because he fears that if I do get into an accident, whether it is related to epilepsy or not, he could lose his license. I understand that I need to put my safety and the safety of others first. But if I have a doctors verbal OK, what can I do? Is there any way I can drive sooner and still have coverage in case I do get into a fender bender? I'm not concerned I'll have a seizure while driving, but rather the other party trying to sue me for an "epilepsy related accident". Can anyone help?


Do you have an aura

Submitted by Jim s on Sun, 2017-07-09 - 12:04
Do you have an aura

First of all it's going o be

Submitted by David Herrle on Fri, 2017-12-01 - 12:00
First of all it's going o be difficult to present a verbal OK to DMV. That said, you should be concerned that you may have a seizure while driving. You don't want the headaches that go with fighting a lawsuit. I was 21 before my seizures were under control, I went quite a while with no seizures. My new neurologist said I my meds where at toxic levels. This started medication changes & dosage changes, needless to say all hell broke loose with my seizures but it finally stabilized   On November 19th 1979 @ 9:00am my world was turned upside down. While on route to the Hospital with a patient I apparently lost conciseness or had a seizure resulting in hitting & killing a 79yr old woman, then proceeded to hit 6 parked cars, take down a light pole & electrical box where our new $40,000 ambulance came to rest. After being extricated from the ambulance I woke up in time for the 6:00pm news to find that I had been admitted to the hospital &  placed on suicide watch. I recall being in the ER, seeing my parents & our minister, I asked what he was doing there but don't recall any answers. I recall being concerned with calling work to let them know I wouldn't be in.  Shortly thereafter I chose to surrender my license and to this day I do not drive. I love to drive but not at the expense of a life. Don't be in such a rush to get behind the wheel.

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