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peti mal and marijuana

Tue, 08/07/2007 - 15:00
i was diagnosed with peti mal when i was around the age of 10. i am now 16 and am off the medication for it bc it has "gone away" it alright for me to smoke pot? or will it/can it trigger seizures and such?


Do a search here and see the

Submitted by itsmyeviltwin on Wed, 2007-08-08 - 17:13
Do a search here and see the varying opinions. Marijuana is a drug. Know today's street forms of pot can be contaminated with other stuff and you don't know what you're getting necessarily and it can do damage to your brain which is already traumatized/irritated to some extent from your E. (your E may be dormant now, but know it is not likely really gone, just controlled for do know that don't you?? I don't believe it ever really vanishes completely)) Alcohol and many drugs, chemicals, etc are 'triggers' for seizures and we are all a little different in this respect..its your life and your brain and its your responsibility what you do with it. Even on my seizure meds if I have a glass of wine I am twitchy and have auras, so I must stay away from it. You will read some here are adamant pot helps control their seizures. Another lady here got a marijuana brownie accidentally and had several seizures in a row when she had previously been well controlled. My point is we are all different. Be careful and please take good care of yourself. You are young and have your whole life ahead of well!

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