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Overcoming Fear

Mon, 03/16/2015 - 16:50

I was diagnosed just under a year ago;

I've had 5 tonic clonic seizures since then. 

Two of them in public, during class, while I was trying to be a good student.

But I'm a bad student now. I feel myself giving in to fear.

I feel myself giving in to sadness.

Frankly, I don't feel like myself at all. 



To all those who have lived with epilepsy longer than I have:

How do you do it? How do you muster the courage to step outside each day? How do you fight back if the doctors still can't tell you why this began and triggers are hard to discern? Where do you find your strength?


I find my strength in Jesus

Submitted by biloshi on Tue, 2019-06-25 - 15:28
I find my strength in Jesus and the possibilities within me to be and do more cause I've been sent to nation's who feel  and go though same so you have to first believe in Jesus Christ to be healed and yourself to see beyond your present state of mind or condition and to be different positively.

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