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Non-epileptic seizures as well as epileptic seizures?

Sun, 09/17/2006 - 17:47
Does anyone have epileptic and non epileptic seizures? i have recently started having non-epileptic aswell and can't tell the difference between the two....and it's really hard for my family because they don't know how to be about it.


Re: Non-epileptic seizures as well as epileptic seizures?

Submitted by slhmurphy on Sun, 2006-09-17 - 19:21
Hang in there...I know some people have both on this site... As for your family, y do they need to "know how to be about it"? Both are legitimate disorders, arising from two separate causes, but legitimate just the same. Either way, you only need them to make sure you don't hurt yourself with your surroundings, and make sure you come out of okay. Other than that, emotional support is needed for both. Good luck, and remember you always have us! Sam

Re: Non-epileptic seizures as well as epileptic seizures?

Submitted by IRule on Thu, 2006-09-21 - 18:47
Hi Lauz, I have both Epileptic and non-epileptic seizures. Here is what you can tell your family...a seizure is a seizure, it doesn't matter if it is a NES or an Epi is still a seizure. Your body reacts the same to them, granted the Epilectic seizures are caused by Electrical Activity in the brain and NES are not, but the end result is still the same...A seizure. Best of Luck to you, Dayna

Re: Non-epileptic seizures as well as epileptic seizures?

Submitted by Les on Fri, 2006-09-22 - 06:48
It would be good if you and your doc could find the cause of the non-E ones. What I have found is that low glucose can cause them so I make sure to eat properly and when the warning signs come of blurred vision, hunger pains, and dizzyness like feeling faint, I take two glucose tablets. They come in a tube and are really cheap. They fit in your pocket and are great on the road. Otherwise, I have some crackers (no salt tops ) and maybe a bit of peanut butter on them if I can stand to get them down. Otherwise, the faster way is to have a glass of orange juice - it works pretty fast. I also have thyroid disease and it too can cause some non-E seizures and I am pretty much stuck with them if my Depakote ER is not doing a good enough job at lowering the TSH ernough. I have nodules that produce their own hormone as part of a recurrance of toxic multinodular goiter even though I had most of the gland removed. I can't take the hormone treatment because when they tried it I got a seizure within 20 minutes of my first dose.Les

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