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New site

Tue, 03/04/2014 - 13:39

Welcome to the new site! Send me your feedback here!



Start A New Discussion?:

Submitted by 3Hours2Live on Sun, 2014-03-23 - 21:31
Start A New Discussion?: Access denied You are not authorized to access this page. December 16, 2013 is around the cut-off date: tweaks to: But, December 17, 2013: tweaks to: which returns: The requested page "/node/1002364" could not be found. Many forums before December 16th, 2013 have many (some, most) comments disappearing: Tadzio

Start A New Discussion?:

Submitted by 3Hours2Live on Sun, 2014-03-23 - 21:42
Start A New Discussion?: Access denied You are not authorized to access this page. December 16, 2013 is around the cut-off date: tweaks to: But, December 17, 2013: tweaks to: which returns: The requested page "/node/1002364" could not be found. Many forums before December 16th, 2013 have many (some, most) comments disappearing: Tadzio

Some things are lasting less

Submitted by 3Hours2Live on Sun, 2014-03-23 - 21:42
Some things are lasting less than a minute on the new website: 3Hours2Live Less than a minute ago Your comment is awaiting moderation http://my.epile­­ion/975022 http://my.epile­­5022#comment-10­59602 2013Dec15 Hi Steven Platti, Here's seeminly an epileptic joke question: "What do you call an epileptic with superhuman knowledge???" The answer: "Another One Possessed by Demons." The problem??? It's seemingly no joke: “genuine evidence of possession”: "'There are some things like speaking languages that the person does not know. That is one telltale sign. It also involves having unnatural strengths. Also having what the church would call having superhuman knowledge, which would include speaking languages, for example, dead languages that no one speaks anymore,' he said." http://tucsonci­­e/2007/07/31/58­811-was-grandfa­ther-really-doi­ng-exorcism/ Now with me and my epilepsy, I'm officially "Too Smart To Be A Cop" with Beta Gamma Sigma level regarded Demons, and trying to get a job through State Rehabilitation programs has loopholes of ADA disabled meaning not otherwise qualified. Next problem is that the Justices of U. S. Supreme Court make jokes about thing like epilepsy, and won't listen above their own laughter. The lower levels regard epileptics as very ignorant sans their regarded Demons in possession. Even before I was labeled with epilepsy, being called "Brain Tumor", "Ape Boy", "Bloody Butt Boy", "Satanist", etc., might have helped for the future Street level, to Lustful Exorcisms for the Churches' and Jonestown welfare level, though doing little for dealing with Grand Inquisitors in the Courts, but for feeding them. Are "issue tissues" tax deductible for Oprah (at least during Dec 15, 2013)???­­calarc4.htm Tadzio P.S.: Don't read his "Hate Mail from America" (though partly "cleansed" recently, again). ("One Sunday last April, John Callahan's comic, Callahan, was deemed so offensive that Miami Herald editors yanked it from the Sunday paper halfway through distribution, costing almost $50,000. (03/29/96) Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY")

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