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That memory thing...

Wed, 09/27/2006 - 13:59
Do you ever look at something and know you did it because it is done (so clearly you did it because things don't just happen on their own), but have absolutely no memory of accomplishing said task? I am looking at my pile of work that I did yesterday. I don't recall doing ANY of it. But it is done, so I know I did it.


Re: Re: This happens. I wonder if

Submitted by fzMousie on Thu, 2006-09-28 - 14:57
I am absolutely dependant on my email for this. If someone calls me about something important (like sitting on thus and such committee), I have them email me. If I do not have an email printout, the conversation may as well never happened.

Re: Re: Re: This happens. I wonder if

Submitted by Rev.Shawn on Thu, 2006-09-28 - 15:03
I have had to get a digital voice recorder and make myself notes and reminders about appointments. Thank God for my daughter, we are going out of town for a few days and I'm not afraid to admit I'm scared of getting on the plane and making the right connection. Without her along I'd probably end up in Singapore.

Re: That memory thing...

Submitted by afraid to sleep on Thu, 2006-09-28 - 11:09
I also have that memory problem. I discovered Xango several months ago and that has helped me with my memory. My short term memory was nearly shot after each seizure but now I don't seem to have that problem. I was hoping the xango would take away the seizures but it has not happened yet. At least my recovery is much quicker. I leave myself a lot of notes and do things as I think of them instead of later. Good luck to all.

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